Tureks Plumbing Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘bathroom plumbing’

Common Plumbing Issues

Wednesday, March 29th, 2017

Out of sight, out of mind.

Your home’s plumbing system is quietly working in the background, bringing you fresh water when you need it and disposing of waste water.

In an ideal scenario, your home’s plumbing system should be just that, all the time: working quietly and efficiently. But in the real world, plumbing issues can arise when you least expect them.

What are the most common plumbing problems homeowners may face at one time or another?

According to many plumbers, one of the leading issues faced by homeowners are clogs. Clogs can occur in the sewer, sink or bathtub. And although clogs may seem like a large problem, in most cases, these are not.

Toilets often back up. Your garbage disposal system can cause the sink to clog. Fortunately, most of these can be easily prevented by avoiding throwing large foreign objects into the sink, tub, and toilet. And in most cases, a clog can be undone with the aid of your trusty plunger.

However, there are instances wherein you will need some professional assistance.

For example, in severe situations, pipes may need to be replaced or walls or floorings may need to be torn down.

Another common problem homeowners face is related to the sewer and septic tank. This is one problem that, more often than not, requires the attention of professional plumbers. Apart from the stench, septic tank issues can cause damage to your property and cause health problems for your family.

Some septic tank-related problems can stem from clogs. In other cases, the problem arises form issues related to a section of the system’s pipes.

Whatever problem you may be facing, it is critical that you act as quickly as possible.

That can be as simple as using a plunger to unclog your toilet or calling in professional plumbers to assist you.

This is why it is important that you find a reliable plumber who can attend to emergencies even before you need one. Remember: Every second that your plumbing issue is left unattended and unsolved, the more likely that the problem will worsen and become complicated, resulting in further damage and added costs.

Do yourself a big favor and conduct your search for a trustworthy plumber as soon as you possibly can; this way, you won’t be scrambling to find one when you actually need a plumber, or settle for the first one who answers your call during a plumbing emergency.

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What Not To Put Down Your Drain

Tuesday, March 21st, 2017

There are simple things that you do can do to prevent a clogged drain.

In a landmark study undertaken by the Toxic Substances Hydrology Program of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) in 2002, it was discovered that wastewater coming from residential, agricultural and industrial sources contained low levels of human and veterinary drugs, natural and synthetic hormones, insecticides, fire retardants, detergent metabolites, and plasticizers.

Of these chemicals listed, one or more were found in 80 percent of the streams which were a part of the study. Furthermore, half of the streams were found to contain seven or more of these chemicals. Roughly a third of the streams contained 10 or more of the aforementioned chemicals.

Quite simply, this means that homeowners, farmers, and industries have contributed greatly to water pollution which does not only undermine water quality, but also adversely affects fish and wildlife.

In the residential setting, plumbers regularly caution homeowners about throwing foreign objects down the drain as these can clog pipes and cause unnecessary damage, not only to the plumbing system but in other parts of the house as well.

But according to the Watership Environment Foundation, the consequences of throwing foreign objects down the drain causes far-ranging effects beyond your home. According to the foundation, throwing foreign objects down the drain can also lead to health problems and environmental problems.

Plumbers say that homeowners should not treat the drain like a trash can and list what not to put down your drain.

These include:

  • Sauces
  • Dairy products
  • Baking goods
  • Food scraps
  • Lard
  • Shortening
  • Cooking oil
  • Butter and margarine

Throwing these down the drain facilitates the blockage in the sewer pipes when grease sticks to these. And once the grease continues to build up, it can block the optimal flow of water.

Expert plumbers advise against throwing grease down in either sinks or toilets. Homeowners should also make it a habit to scrape off food particles and grease from plates, pots, pans and other cooking utensils and implements. Invest in a strainer or basket and install one in the sink drain to catch solids and empty these into the trash can.

Other items that should not be thrown down the drain or toilet include:

  • Used oils
  • Egg shells
  • Coffee grinds
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Paper towels
  • Condoms
  • Flammable substances
  • Medications
  • Acidic or caustic substances
  • Rags
  • Solvents, paints, polish remover, turpentine and similar products.

If you have a clogged drain, contact us today to set up an appointment!

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Thursday, March 9th, 2017

Do Not Flush These Objects Into Your Toilet

There are only two things that need to be flushed down a toilet: human waste and regular toilet paper.

There is one reason why a clogged toilet is one of the leading plumbing problems in a household. People throw things into the toilet that they shouldn’t.

Some people think of the toilet as another trash can where they can dispose of anything they like. But when you throw foreign objects into the toilet, you will not only cause clogs in the toilet. Apart from that, you can experience other problems like damage to the septic tank and pollution. Furthermore, you will need to spend money to fix these problems.

What are the objects that you should not throw into the toilet?

Food and cooking oil/grease

Some homeowners think that it is all right to throw grease into the toilet because it is a liquid. However, grease can congeal when it cools down. And when that happens, the solidified grease can clog the pipes.

Cleaning pads and wet wipes

Plumbers from around the country have seen a marked increase in toilet clogs and backups in sewage pipes. The culprit? Wet wipes.

Instead of throwing used wipes into the toilet, find a trash can and throw these there.

Dental floss

Dental floss is non-biodegradable. Over time, as more of this item accumulates in the toilet, it can cause clogs.

Cotton balls and Q-tips

Cotton does not break down after you flush it down the toilet. Instead, it accumulates and forms clumps which then cause clogs, especially in areas where the pipes bend.


Diapers expand when these are put underwater, making them difficult to flush down toilets. However, if you manage to flush one, it can get caught in the bend of the pipe and cause a clog.

Expired pills

If you find expired pills in your medicine cabinet, do not flush these down the toilet. Although these will not cause the toilet to clog, it can cause water pollution. And when the water you flush down the toilet finds its way to the groundwater supply, it can harm wildlife.

Tissues and paper towels

If you prefer to use paper towels and tissues, do not throw these into the toilet. Unlike regular toilet papers, these do not dissolve in the water.

Cigarette butts

If you must smoke in a bathroom, dispose of your cigarette butts properly. When you throw cigarette butts into the toilet, these will simply float on the water. And when the water flushed down the toilet gets to the groundwater supply, that water will be loaded with lots of harmful chemicals.

Have a clogged toilet? Contact us for help!

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How to Deal with Basement Flooding

Friday, March 3rd, 2017

basement flooding

Basement and Bathroom Flooding

Any type of flooding in your home is a problem, but two of the worst types that your household could experience are bathroom flooding and basement flooding.

Bathroom flooding can be a disgusting process for all because of the human waste factor and how it can impact your entire household’s daily hygiene routine. Despite this, basement flooding remains a much bigger concern. Aside from the fact that it can be caused by everything from overland flooding, to infiltration flooding, to sewer backup, to a combination of two or all three of these types of flooding (different levels of nastiness for flood water), it can also lead to serious structural damages that can make your home unsafe to live in.

Since the basement is part of the house’s foundation, compromised elements in this room can alter the integrity of the entire structure. It’s important to mention as well that because of the room’s location, it’s quite prone to mold growth, which can pose health risks for you and your family. Molds are not easy to treat, and getting rid of them will not only set your finances back, but it will also be a great inconvenience to your family since you will be asked to evacuate your home until the situation is properly resolved.

Suffice it to say, basement flooding is a situation that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. You can’t let dirty water just sit in the room and breed all sorts of potentially harmful elements; the quicker you get rid of the water, the better. For this job, you will need plumbing specialists to help drain the flood and also correctly identify the cause of flooding.

Urgently addressing the situation is required if the flooding is caused by sewer backup. Applegate and Fox Valley plumbers say that while contaminated water is the main issue, other factors worsen the problem. Flooding can place extra pressure on the pipes underneath the home and this can result in the heaving of basement floors, especially when improper backwater valves are used.

Also, weeping tiles are connected to the municipal system through sanitary sewer laterals or storm sewer laterals, and sewage can be pressured back into the weeping tiles; this may result in great damage to the home, which will not only require repairs but replacement of materials as well.

If you need to have your basement serviced due to flooding, your insurance company may be able to help shoulder the cost due to sewer back-up, so do get in touch with them to see if your insurance policy can actually cover the cost of sewer backup damage. If it does, you won’t have to worry much about getting your home properly restored.

Contact us today for more information.

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Planning a Master Bathroom Remodel? Consider Following These Tips

Thursday, January 26th, 2017

Planning a Master Bathroom Remodel? Consider Following These Tips

Homeowners remodel their master bathrooms for a diverse number of reasons. Sometimes, the bathroom simply needs an upgrade after years or even decades of remaining the same. Others see the bathroom remodel as an investment for the future. There’s hope that the project will increase the value of their property.

In some cases, the bathroom space is being poorly utilized. A remodel is also often a good way to make efficient choices. The addition of low flow showers and dual flush toilets could be a great idea for your master bathroom.

Whatever your reasons may be for planning a master bathroom remodel, you would want to achieve your goals and make efficient use of the resources you are investing.

How do you achieve that? Here are a few important things to bear in mind.

Go beyond your visual scrapbook

Most likely, you have begun putting together a visual scrapbook comprised of design inspiration collected from magazines, blogs and other websites.

But do not rely solely on these visual inspirations. If you still do not have a clearly defined idea of what you want to achieve, it is worthwhile to visit showrooms. This will allow you to have a tactile feel of the different possibilities available to you.

Don’t be afraid to splurge on materials

If there is one phrase that will best describe the current trend in bathroom remodels, it would be “over the top.” If you can afford it, do not be afraid to splurge.

But that does not necessarily mean that you should go after each of your whims. It can be as simple as going for well-made materials that provide superior value for your money.

Get the help of a professional

One of the best ways to ensure that you will be using your space efficiently is to hire a bathroom designer. Your designer can help you determine whether the elements you wish to include in the remodel actually work or you would fare better by finding an alternative.

One thing that you might want to discuss with your designer is giving your new bathroom a universal design. This trend has become popular in recent years due to the design which is geared toward accommodating the diverse needs of people.

Adding finishing touches

Many homeowners are now splurging and adding luxurious elements to the master bath. These range from chandeliers to elaborate entertainment setups.

But there is something important to consider before you even think about additions. Remember that the master bath should be your private retreat inside your home. Instead of adding the aforementioned elements in the bath, consider subtle yet equally luxurious additions like fabric window treatments and plush towels.

Are you thinking about starting a master bathroom remodel in Fox Valley? Contact the professionals at Turek’s Plumbing for the best advice and a quality remodel experience.

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8 Bathroom Remodeling Tips Definitely Worth Trying

Thursday, December 29th, 2016

Bathroom Remodeling8 Bathroom Remodeling Tips Definitely Worth Trying

Home improvement is such a big thing these days. Flip through different cable channels and you’re likely to find different shows all dedicated to helping people make over” their homes. Bathroom remodeling is one of the really popular projects that people are inspired to carry out. Since the bathroom has become every home’s own “spa,” many want to beautify it and make it even more ideal for maintaining cleanliness and experiencing relaxation.

It’s important to note, however, that this project is not as easy to pull off as it is often depicted on TV; therefore, you need to plan or prepare for it well. Here are eight bathroom remodeling tips from trusted bathroom remodelers in Fox Valley and Applegate that will help you adequately prepare and go about this task in a cost-effective and time-efficient way.

Look for Inspiration Regarding the Layout for Your Bathroom

One idea that’s quite trendy these days is making sure that the toilet is not the first thing seen once the bathroom door is opened. Find a different focal point for your bathroom and make it the most visually appealing one.

Think of a Smart Lighting Scheme

Effectively combine beauty and function for this. Also, consider new kinds of lighting implements or strategies. Candles are popular; a skylight is also a popular idea worth trying out.

Study Your Bathroom 

Study your bathroom dimensions properly (especially if you’re not resizing your bathroom) and see how your style and functional preferences will fit.

Measure, Measure, Measure

The height of your sink, toilets and even bathtubs should be measured correctly to ensure safe and comfortable use, especially if young children will be sharing the bathroom. Wrong measurements are no-no’s as they can accumulate unnecessary costs and waste a lot of time.

If You Have a Small Bathroom, Look for Innovative Ideas for Layouts or Placements so You Can Maximize Space

One great space-saving solution worth considering is a corner sink, which is actually easy to incorporate into any bathroom design.

Tiny Tubs are Actually Trendy and They are Quick to Install and Cheaper, Too (Most of the Time)

The tubs are perfect for soaking because while they’re short in length, they can be quite deep.

Pick the Right Vanity Size

You don’t want to make your bathroom too cramped because you opted for a really big vanity. You also don’t want to choose one that’s too small that it cannot accommodate the different activities you wish to carry out on it.

Get Creative With Tiles

There are so many designs and shapes to choose from. You can really create a unique bathroom by combining the shapes and designs effectively. 

Thinking about starting a bathroom remodel in Fox Valley? Contact the professionals at Turek’s Plumbing today for more bathroom remodeling tips!

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A Few Things To Think About Before Starting a Bathroom Remodel Project

Thursday, December 22nd, 2016

Bathroom Remodel ProjectComponents You Should Never Forget About When Starting a Bathroom Remodel Project

The bathroom is a very important room in any house; everybody spends a good amount of time in it each day. This is the main reason why it makes complete sense that a lot of people want to make it as visually and functionally satisfying as possible.

If you’re thinking about starting a bathroom remodel project, it’s important to plan this carefully. You need to make sure that your normal routines won’t get too disrupted by the project. Do determine where you will shower and perform your other hygiene practices while your bathroom is getting a makeover.

As for the project itself, plan how to make it as cost- and time-efficient as possible. For this, trusted bathroom remodelers in Applegate and Fox Valley have rounded up below the components you need to consider when carrying out a bathroom remodel project.


You need to establish how much money you’re willing to spend in order to achieve the new look and level of function you want for the room. Having a clear budget for the project will bring better focus to your shopping, and at the same time, it will allow you to get a better sense of how much time you need for the job, and even who to hire for the job.


Study how much time is needed for the job and when to carry out the project; also, expect delays. A Wisconsin-based plumbing company says that delays are simply the reality for every project, so take this into consideration and prepare for it the best way you can.


Clearly identify the current problems with the bathroom and create a checklist of these for your remodelers so they can tackle them one by one. Doing this will ascertain that the project will be carried out in the most efficient manner.

Beauty and Utility

Decide what new style, as well as improved functionality, you want for the bathroom. Determine the color scheme and the kinds of tiles, lighting, accessories, and other visual implements you want. As for functionality, think about the experience you want to have every time you use the bathroom, and perhaps, think about how it can boost your home’s market value, too.


A bathroom remodel project is a highly technical job; you will need the services of a professional contractor to ensure the best results and even to stick with your budget. With a contractor, you can avoid all sorts of costly and time-consuming mistakes.

If you are thinking about starting a bathroom remodel in Fox Cities, contact the professionals at Turek’s Plumbing to set up a consultation.

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Remodeling a Bathroom in an Old House

Thursday, December 8th, 2016

adfsdgdfgfdgTips for Remodeling a Bathroom in an Old House

Aside from the kitchen, the bathroom is the one room in the house that easily succumbs to wear and tear. Entire households make use of this specific room to take care of their hygiene needs every day. Also, the presence of moisture, humidity and all kinds of chemicals and substances from the different bath and cleaning products used here can do significant damage to furnishings and fixtures that are not designed to withstand such an environment.

If remodeling a bathroom in an old house is a project that you mean to take up in the near future, then you need to keep a few simple design options and tips in mind so that your new bathroom can successfully function and stand up to constant use — and look pretty, too. Here are some ideas you should consider:

Select a high-performing toilet

One of the biggest bathroom remodel tips is to pick a toilet that is right for you. There is a wide range of high-efficiency toilets available today that not only get the job done after your business is completed, but also let you conserve resources and the environment.

Choose your tiles well

You may have specific preferences for the way your floor tiles function in the bathroom. If you have small children or elderly relatives living with you, for instance, you may lean more toward having a non-slip floor installed in your new bathroom. Tiles with matte finishes, plenty of grout lines, textured surfaces or glazes with sand would be ideal for this purpose.

If you want a low-maintenance tile floor, on the other hand, stick to glazed or porcelain tiles. Stay away from natural stone since these are porous — they absorb water and develop stains if they are improperly sealed, which means more cleaning time for you.

Pick an acrylic caulk

This kind of formula can be easily removed even without using strong chemicals. The formula can make it easy to remove the next time replacement is in order. It’s also worthwhile to pick caulk that comes with a long-lasting mildewcide.

Install a sink that fits your family’s requirements

If you need more storage and countertops, a vanity with sink would be an excellent choice. For less utility but more style, a vessel sink would be a nice touch. A standard pedestal sink would also be a good compromise between aesthetics and function.

Update your wiring

Years (perhaps decades) of plugging in hairdryers, hair straightening irons, electric toothbrushes and electric razors have surely taken a toll on your bathroom’s outlets and wiring, so give them an overhaul. Replace 15-amp wirings with 20-amp ones and provide enough outlets for everyone’s appliances.

Your local plumber has the best tips on remodeling a bathroom in your home. Contact a Fox Cities plumber at Turek’s Plumbing today.

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Common Commercial Plumbing Problems (and How to Avoid Them)

Thursday, November 24th, 2016

commercial-plumbingCommon Commercial Plumbing Problems

A plumbing issue in your commercial property can be one of the costliest and most inconvenient situations you can face. If left unattended, even a minor issue can become a serious and complicated problem within just a short span of time. The flow of your operations, the health and safety of your clients and employees, and your everyday productivity and efficiency can all be affected by commercial plumbing problems.  

While addressing plumbing problems promptly is important, the best course of action is still to be proactive in preventing issues before they happen. As an owner, manager or caretaker of a commercial property, it’s your duty to be familiar with common commercial plumbing problems so you can undertake measures to reduce their possibility of occurring.  

Common Plumbing Problems

Water leaking from pipes, taps and fixtures is a frequent problem for both commercial and residential plumbing systems. Leaks can be caused by a variety of reasons, from simple, everyday wear-and-tear to worn-out connectors to pipe damage.

Leaking can cause property damage, flooding and a significant waste of water and energy. Thus, it’s a must to conduct routine check-ups and maintenance. Plumbing maintenance should be performed by a professional. A good plumbing check up will include checking the condition of each component in your plumbing system.

Another common plumbing issue is blocked drains and clogged toilets and sinks. When drainage is slow or not working well, the accumulated water may eventually overflow. When the water overflows it can be extremely difficult to control and clean up.  

Clogged Toilet

Meanwhile, a clogged toilet is the last thing you would want to worry about when managing a commercial property. Aside from the possible overflow, it may also cause unpleasant odors and health risks if it’s not addressed immediately.

Commercial property owners must then be very strict about keeping bathrooms, restrooms and other wet areas clean and well-maintained. All the time to prevent debris and foreign objects from blocking drainage systems.

How to Prevent Commercial Plumbing Problems

Don’t call a plumber only when an emergency happens. It’s best to look for a reputable local plumber to perform maintenance work, systems upgrades and replacements. The more familiar a plumber is with your system, the better they will be able to solve problems should those arise.

Your Fox Cities plumbing team at Turek’s Plumbing will not just assess the system and hunt for damage. They will also conduct improvements and other related jobs to ensure pipework and drainage systems are working in tip-top condition.

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Plumbing Projects to Increase Your Home’s Value

Wednesday, October 19th, 2016

Plumbing Projects

What Plumbing Projects Could Increase Your Home’s Value?

Whether or not you intend to sell your Appleton, WI home, it wouldn’t hurt to make some improvements. It’s important to note, not all home improvements have the ability to increase your homes value.

Among the home improvement efforts that can actually have a huge impact on your home’s market value are those that include plumbing, since plumbing is such an essential component in a comfortable and convenient life at home. As such, provided below are plumbing projects to increase your home’s worth:

Adding a New Bathroom

HGTV estimates an 80% to 130% return on investment from a new bathroom remodel. Why such value? People like the convenience of being able to take a bath or use the toilet whenever they need to. Bathrooms have become spaces to experience full comfort and relaxation. People have great appreciation for a well-designed bathroom that will provide them such an experience. And of course, the cost of bathroom implements is no joke. If they are high-quality provisions that offer multiple convenience features (such as “futuristic” toilets and senior-friendly hot tubs), and are combined beautifully with each other for optimum function, then the value they’ll create in the lives of people will be greater.

Kitchen Remodeling

Modern kitchens boost home values by anywhere between 5% to 10%; incorporating new gas appliances and improving plumbing to match a better floor layout can really enhance the value of the room. The kitchen remodelers that Applegate and Fox Valley residents trust advise placing the cooktop and dishwasher on the sink for a smoother flow of activities in the kitchen.

Replacing Old, Rusty Iron Pipes

Home appraisers pay great attention to plumbing when assigning value to a home. Directing money toward the replacement of old pipes on the property can boost the property’s market value. Heavy-duty plastic tubing is generally the more preferred option now. This type of tubing is much easier to maintain and homeowners won’t have to worry about rusty particles in the water.

These three plumbing projects are the most highly recommended to implement in order to boost the value of your property. These projects may seem complicated or daunting at first. But you can have the assurance that when you do decide to sell, you will get a solid return on your investment.

If you are looking for a plumber in Applegate, contact the professionals at Turek’s Plumbing today!

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