Tureks Plumbing Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Appleton Plumber’

Why A Plumber Needs to be Part of Your Kitchen Remodel

Monday, June 10th, 2024

If you’re scheduling a kitchen remodel, congratulations! It can be very exciting to renovate any part of your home, but especially the kitchen. Did you know that a plumber needs to be involved in your kitchen remodel?

It’s true. Anything related to plumbing requires a licensed plumbing technician. If you need a kitchen contractor in Appleton, we are a one-stop shop for kitchen remodels, from upgrading sinks and faucets to complete kitchen redesigns, right down to building our own cabinets. Give our team a call so we can be the team you count on for your kitchen remodel to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

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Tips for Preventing Kitchen Drain Clogs

Monday, April 15th, 2024

Kitchen drain clogs are a very common plumbing problem in homes. But that doesn’t mean you have to deal with them. There are preventative steps that you can take to keep drain clogs from ever developing in your kitchen to begin with.

One of those steps is scheduling plumbing services in Appleton. When you prioritize preventative maintenance – both homeowner and professional – you can protect your drains from tough clogs that leave lasting damage and cause major headaches. You can keep reading to learn more about the steps that we recommend you take to prevent kitchen drain clogs.

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Always Know Where Your Water Shut-Off Valve Is

Monday, February 20th, 2023

This is an essential tip for any homeowner, and one that is criminally underrated.

It’s heartbreaking each time we’ve seen leaks and burst pipes become disasters due to a homeowner not knowing where their water shut-off valve is.

These components are vital in an emergency, and they’re going to save you time, stress, and keep your furniture safe when a leak does occur.

Since this is an informative blog, we can’t just tell you where the location is and call it a day. That would be too easy and it wouldn’t be right, since you’re probably wondering how this part works and why it’s so important.

So, let’s answer all of your questions and give a thorough examination of the intricacies of your water shut-off valve. Let’s discuss what it is, why it’s there, and how it’s going to be important during the next plumbing emergency in Appleton, WI.

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Watch Where You Dig! Our End-of-Winter Tips

Monday, February 6th, 2023

Hopefully, by the time you’re reading this, winter is almost over. March is only a few weeks away and the temperatures are only going to get warmer and more comfortable, which means all of those outdoor projects can begin!

If you’re an avid gardener, then you’re probably looking at the calendar with bated breath for the last freeze.

If you’re really into home improvement, then this might finally be the year that you finish building that fence or doing the repairs on the garage.

However, we need to talk about a few guidelines that homeowners should be aware of when temperatures inevitably start to warm up.

Even if things get warmer earlier, which is always a possibility, you don’t want to start digging in your lawn or working on your home plumbing until you’ve done your research and you’re ready to go.

Take it from your local plumber in Appleton, WI, and make sure you’ve learned everything you need to before getting to work!

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Old Pipe Materials You Need to Replace

Monday, January 9th, 2023

As professional plumbers, we’ve seen new and old pipe materials in many of our customers’ homes. From copper to galvanized steel, and even lead, there can be pipes of all different materials in a home depending on how old it is.

However, some of these pipe materials can be pretty bad and can start leading to leaks or problems depending on the material type.

Today, we’d like to focus on some pipe materials that are not really in circulation anymore. When compared with newer pipe materials like PVC or copper, these older materials are both expensive and don’t hold up in terms of their safety and reliability.

If you’re noticing a trend where your older home has a lot of old pipes made out of unreliable materials, then you might be the perfect customer to call us for repiping in Appleton, WI.

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Plumbing Problem Prevention In Appleton WI

Monday, May 9th, 2022

Plumbing Problem Prevention In Appleton WI

Plumbing Preventive Maintenance Tips for Homeowners

We are all aware of how critical it is to keep the water flowing and the pipes in our houses in good operating order. Unfortunately, every now and again, a plumbing issue will develop. If you’re handy, you can make your own solution. If the issue is beyond your competence or you are downright unhandy, you may contact your Appleton plumber for assistance. However, there are numerous steps you can take to avoid such plumbing issues from arising in the first place. Here are some tips for Plumbing Problem Prevention In Appleton WI.

Here are five suggestions for avoiding plumbing issues in your home:

The proper technique to flush. Of course, there are many items that you already know should not be flushed down the toilet, such as your child’s stuffed animal and your mobile phone. However, there are several products that seem to be safe for flushing but are not, such as:

  • Tissues – even though they are made of paper, they are not meant to degrade in the same way as toilet paper does.
  • Baby wipes — any sort of wipe, including those labeled “flushable” — are not meant to degrade and may even get “trapped” in pipes if little roots have entered them.
  • Hair (and dental floss!) – although seeming to be innocuous, it may build a net that becomes entangled in the pipes and never disintegrates.
  • Medication — may disintegrate and enter the water system, causing negative environmental impacts.
    Cigarette butts are loaded with harmful chemicals and are notorious for clogging drains.
  • Bleach – if you’re using it to clean your toilet, you may be astonished to hear that it’s too harsh for your septic systems and pipes.

When it comes to flushing, a basic rule of thumb is to limit paper products to toilet paper alone and to use vinegar or commercially available items intended exclusively for cleaning toilets.

Make use of the proper plunger

A plunger is the “old faithful” of drain unclogging, but did you know there are three distinct varieties of plungers, each with its unique use?

  • The plunger for the cup. This is the most common sort of plunger and the one you’re most likely to recognize. It features a rubber cup for a handle. The cup plunger works best on things like flat surfaces, creating a suction effect that helps to release obstructions. It is mainly beneficial for sinks and tubs in bathrooms and kitchens.
  • The plunger with a flange. Like the cup plunger, this plunger has a cap on the end of a handle, but it also includes a rubber flap that folds out from within the cup. This cup/flap combination fits snugly over a curved toilet drain, providing the suction required to dislodge a blockage. The flap may be folded within the cup to provide a flat plunger if necessary.
  • The plunger of an accordion. This plunger seems to be exactly what it sounds like: a plunger with accordion-style pleats. This plunger is made of hard plastic and can provide a lot of suction, but it may also damage surfaces. Therefore, it is solely appropriate for toilets.

Look for any leaks

A little drop might quickly grow into a larger, more expensive leak. Water leaks may reduce your water pressure and cause structural damage to your property, such as wood rot and pipe corrosion. Check your home’s plumbing for drips and leaks regularly – the bathrooms and equipment that requires water (dishwasher, washing machine, water heater). Paying attention to leaks as soon as they appear might save you a lot of headaches in the long run.

Take care of the kitchen sink

Foreign objects cause most blockages in the kitchen sink and disposal. Never pour oil, fat (which may congeal), or fibrous food debris down the toilet. You may also place a screen over the drain to capture food that has to be thrown away. Before pouring food to the disposal, switch on the water and the unit; let the water run for 15 seconds after that to guarantee all food waste has been flushed down the line.

Understand how to turn off the water

If you have a significant leaking pipe, frozen pipes, or other water calamities, you must know where your main shut-off valve is. The valve is usually always positioned near the exterior boundary of your home, and it is always on the ground level, basement, or crawl space. If your house is constructed on a slab, the shut-off valve will likely be near the water heater or under the kitchen sink.

Contact Tureks Plumbing Today

There may be occasions when you just need a professional plumber to complete the work, so make sure your list of repair professionals includes a certified, dependable local plumber. Tureks Plumbing provides excellent, dependable plumbing services in the Appleton WI region. We are completely licensed, insured, and bonded. We provide affordable prices as well as a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Allow us to assist you with any plumbing issues, large or small. Call us immediately to arrange a repair service or a full plumbing inspection.

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Reasons Not to Use Liquid Drain Cleaners

Wednesday, September 8th, 2021
reasons not to use liquid drain cleaners - Appleton plumber

Top Reasons Not To Use Liquid Drain Cleaners at Home

When your drain starts to become slow, your instinct may be to grab the liquid drain cleaner instead of calling a local plumber. Many Appleton plumbers can agree that liquid drain cleaners can cause more harm than good. In this article, our Tureks plumbers share the top reasons not to use liquid drain cleaners.

Say No to Liquid Drain Cleaners

Our experienced plumbers have a problem with chemical drain cleaners. To start, they are not suitable for cleaning drains, although marketing and advertising may have you convinced otherwise. There are plenty of other remedies for drain cleaning. Here’s why you should avoid liquid drain cleaners at all costs:

Drain Cleaners Are Toxic

The chemicals in commercial drain cleaners, particularly off-brand and low-cost variants, are extremely dangerous. The gases are harmful to your health and will irritate your nose and eyes. These fumes linger in the area where the chemical was employed for a long time after it has been disposed of. It’s safe to say these chemicals should not be going down your bathroom sink or shower drain. 

Drain Cleaners Damage Your Pipes

Chemicals in drain cleaners can cause harm to pipes while purportedly “cleaning” them. Hydrochloric acid is the primary ingredient in liquid drain cleaners. This solution eats at your pipes and can eventually cause serious plumbing problems. Our friends at Gilmore Heating, Air, and Plumbing, a plumber in Sacramento, agree that you would spend more money replacing your damaged pipes than you would have a professional come out in the first place.

Drain Cleaners Hurt the Environment

As we mentioned before, drain cleaners include harmful chemicals. As a result, they are extremely bad for the environment. Bottle residue ends up in landfills and can contaminate water, harming fish and other species.

Not an Effective Solution

What is the source of your drain clog? Drains can back up due to problems in the sewage system or broken pipes. Dumping chemicals down the drain will not solve these issues, just prolong them. Don’t waste your time or money on liquid drain cleaners. Contact Tureks Plumbing for professional plumbing services. Our team is happy to help, no matter what the problem. We offer 24/7 emergency plumbing solutions in the surrounding areas of Appleton, Wisconsin.

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Tree Roots in Your Main Sewer Line

Wednesday, June 16th, 2021

Main Sewer Line

What to Do if You Suspect Tree Roots are Causing Damage to Your Main Sewer Line 2021

Most people have beautiful, established trees all over their yard. Although they clean the air and provide shade on a hot sunny day, they can cause some serious damage to your main sewer lines. How? Well, as trees get bigger, the roots get more established. Since plumbing systems are underground, the tree’s roots spread out and grow deeper into the ground. Some of them end up in main lines, creating blockages and even the breakage or collapse of water pipes. Once the roots have made their way into the mainline, you’ll need to call an emergency plumbing company. In this article, we share what to do if you suspect tree roots are causing damage to your main sewer line. 

Watch for Slow Drains.

If you start to notice your drains slowing down, there is a big possibility that tree roots have grown into your main line. This should make sense if you have trees all around your property. Your drain may just be clogged, so try using a plumbing drain solution. If that doesn’t work, you’ll need to hire a plumber for an inspection.

Gurgling Noises in Your Drains

Even if water is draining properly but that action is always accompanied by gurgling sounds, that is an indication that there is something wrong with your plumbing. A properly working plumbing system should not make that disturbing sound. Plumbing companies in Sacramento say that this sound is likely due to a blockage. It’s best to contact your plumber immediately.

Water Stops Draining

This means that there is blockage and this is a great inconvenience to any household. Not only does it create a mess, but it also exposes your home to germs and bacteria that can lead to diseases. If corrosive solutions don’t work, then it’s quite likely that the problem is not just a regular clog – it is something bigger and does not “melt” easily.

If these are plumbing issues you are dealing with at home, then it’s time to call professional plumbers to have a look. It is always better to be safe than sorry. Also, if your plumbing woes are truly due to tree roots in your main sewer line, then that is not going to be a quick job to accomplish – the area around your mainline would have to be dug up, the roots have to be cut, and removed, the damages repaired, and so on. So call in the Fox Valley Plumbing pros as soon as possible to restore order in your home.

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in October 2016 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness. 

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Common Water Heater Problem

Wednesday, October 14th, 2020
common water heater problems - Tureks Plumbing Services

Common Water Heater Problems

Here at Tureks Plumbing Services, we are dedicated to ensuring that all your plumbing queries are answered and needs fulfilled. As we get into the cooler months, more plumbing problems will arise. In this article, we explore some of the most common water heater problems Fox Valley homeowners experience. If you need professional plumbing services in Appleton, WI, contact Tureks Plumbing today!

Water Heater Drip Tube

A dip tube is a plastic tube, usually long, that is present in almost all water heaters. It is fitted into the inlet of the water heater and hangs about 8 inches above the base of the tank. A dip tube that is properly functioning is designed to shoot the cold water coming into the base of the heater where it is heated quickly and with ease. If no dip tube is present in your water heater, the cold water mixes with hot water, which is at the top of the tank heater on its way to the outlet. This is what results in lukewarm water coming out of your faucets, instead of hot water.

In a scenario where the dip tube in your water heater breaks off, depending on how much of it broke off, you may either have only lukewarm water coming from your water heater into your faucets or the water may run out very quickly. Gilmore Heating and Air, an HVAC, and plumbing company in Sacramento explain that this is because the cold water remains at the top of the tank, where it cannot be heated and mixes with hot water from the hot water outlet, which is also located at the top of the tank—hence resulting in cold or lukewarm water going into your house’s hot water pipes before it has been sufficiently heated.

Water heaters manufactured between 1993 and 1997 are equipped with defective dip tubes, which, depending on the water chemistry in your locality, as well as the pH and temperature setting of the water, may result in these tubes crumbling, breaking, or dissolving into smaller pieces.

To check whether your water heater was manufactured between 1993 and 1997, check the first four digits on the serial number. These represent the month and year of manufacture. If the third and fourth numbers are 97, 96, 95, 94, or 93, your units could be affected. 

According to experienced Fox Valley plumbers, there are two options if you indeed have a bad unit. The first would be to replace the water heater and flush all faucet filters and screens in the house. This also applies to water heaters, which have been in use for more than ten years. The water heaters present on the market now are fitted and manufactured with dip tubes that last almost as long as the water heater. For a water heater replacement in Appleton, WI, contact Tureks Plumbing today.

The second option would be to replace the defective dip tube with a cross-linked polyethylene dip tube then flush the sediment, particles, and debris out of the filters, screens, and the water heater. It is important to note that you may have to flush the system more than once to clean the heater effectively. If you would prefer a professional to handle the matter, please reach out to a plumbing company in Appleton, Wisconsin.

Sediment Buildup in Your Water Heater

If your house has a storage-tank water heater, sediment buildup is something that is bound to happen. In the water heating process, water entering the water heater tank is often carrying dissolved naturally-occurring minerals such as magnesium and calcium, little amounts of sand as well as other debris. This debris, combined with the minerals, forms into sediment particles, and they settle at the bottom of the tank, explains OC water heater professionals at Do It Right Plumbers. When these sediment particles buildup, you may experience issues with your heating system such as:

  • Rumbling sounds when the water heater is on
  • Water temperatures fluctuating from lukewarm to hot
  • A decrease in the supply of hot water to your faucets

Sediment buildup affects the water heater’s ability to maintain a consistent temperature of the water, and it also wears down the energy efficiency of the heaters. As the buildup piles, these sediment particles can replace the water in the tank, block the water lines, block the drain valve, or cause untimely tank failure. If your tank prematurely fails, contact emergency Plumbers in Appleton Wisconsin for help with the installation of a new and far more efficient model.

Additionally, to help prevent sediment buildup, hire a professional plumber from Tureks Plumbing Services in Appleton, Wisconsin, to flush your storage tank periodically throughout the year.

Malfunctioning Heating System

Water heaters that have been functioning for 10 to 15 years may be faulty due to old age as well as wear and tear. Also, not flushing your water heater tank periodically throughout the year as recommended by professional plumbers may also interfere with the heating system of one’s water heater.

 A water heater may fail mostly in these three areas:

  • Thermostat
  • Thermal switch
  • The heating element

It is best to leave the diagnosis and water heater repairs to a trained and licensed professional plumber. If any of this information resonates with your water heating problems, please contact Tureks Plumbing Services in Appleton, Wisconsin, today.

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How Does the Trenchless Pipe Repair Process Work?

Wednesday, August 5th, 2020

How Does  the Sewer Pipe Lining Process Work?

Having sewer lines replaced or repaired can be difficult. Traditional pipe repair methods require a long, deep trench from your house to your curb to gain access to the pipe underground. This method is costly and can be damaging to your property, says Rancho Cordova Pipe Repair Company, Gilmore Heating, Air, & Plumbing.   

Fortunately, Tureks Plumbing Services now offers trenchless pipe repair so that you don’t have to go through those problems. If the pipes were made from clay, iron, concrete, or other materials, chances are those pipes are worn down. One of our pipe repair professionals in Appleton, Wisconsin, can perform a camera video inspection to confirm that you can benefit from our trenchless pipe relining service, or another method would be better suited to the existing defect.

Trenchless Pipe Repair Explained

First, our pipe repair company in Appleton, Wisconsin will determine if trenchless pipe relining can be done on your property. 

  1. A pipe repair technician will use a sewer camera to identify and evaluate the problem.
  2. An access hole is dug at both ends of the pipe. 
  3. A flexible tube is pushed into the old pipe. The flexible tube looks like neoprene, and it is coated with a special resin.
  4. The technician pumps compressed air into it so that it can blow out and cling to the interior walls of the old sewer pipe. 

After several hours, the resin hardens and then there will be a solid pipe inside the existing pipe. At this point, the pipe will have a slightly smaller internal diameter. This is hardly anything to worry about because the pipe will allow wastewater to flow through easily since the pipe is now smooth, and roots will no longer penetrate it.

No Damage to Trees

When undergoing traditional methods, any trees in the way of the trench have to be uprooted to access the pipes underneath. With point repair, trees can remain intact during the work.

Using advanced tools, Tureks Plumbing Services personnel can map and locate all the underground utilities to avoid disruption of those areas. This is why trenchless pipe repair doesn’t pose threats to anything else underground.

Pipe relining may not be an option if the sewer pipe on your property has a low point where water can pool. Similarly, offset pipe sections also preclude the use of trenchless pipe repair, and our Appleton plumber will recommend an alternative repair method, such as traditional excavation or pipe bursting.

Is Trenchless Pipe Repair Right for Me?

The only way to be certain that trenchless pipe repair is feasible on your property is by having an experienced professional conduct an inspection. If the method is applicable, you will get to enjoy this long-term, cost-effective pipe repair method. Even if trenchless pipe repair can’t be used, we will use the most suitable techniques and tools to restore the structural integrity of the sewer pipes on your property. Contact a Fox City plumber today and learn more about how trenchless pipe repair can be used in your home.

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