Tureks Plumbing Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘bathroom plumbing’

Slow Drain Septic System Problems

Thursday, June 22nd, 2017

Slow Drain Septic System Problems: Signs, Causes, and How to Fix Them

The bathroom is one of the dirtiest places in your home since different types of bacteria can be found here. Once you have a drainage or septic system problem, you will consider your toilet even more unsanitary and a hassle to use.

Signs of a Septic System Issue

Septic system problems are more common in houses and buildings that have already been in use for many years. Some of the signs that indicate you already have this kind of plumbing problem are:

  • Water is draining slowly from the shower, bathtub, sink, and other areas
  • The sound of gurgling from the tub or sink when a toilet is flushed
  • Water backing up in toilets, tubs, and sinks
  • Water puddles on the grounds on your lawn
  • The smell of sewage odors outdoors

Possible Causes

There are several reasons why you have a problematic or slow drain septic system. The most common one is the overuse of the system. This means that too many people are using or too much water is being used in the household or building that the usage has gone beyond the system’s capacity.

Another common cause of this problem is the lack of or delay in inspection, maintenance, and pumping. Once your septic tank becomes full, the filter in the outlet baffle will start to plug. This plugging action will cause the water level inside the tank to rise which will restrict the flow of effluent.

Finally, your septic system may not be working properly if something is clogging the pipes or drains. Grease, food, certain sanitary products, toys, or even pieces of clothes can be stuck somewhere in the pipes and cause the slow drain or the system’s malfunction.

Getting Things Back to Normal

If the reason behind your slow drain problem is a blockage, you can remove the clog by using some tools at home. However, harder clogs and blockages will require the use of a plumbing snake; in such instances, it is best to call in experts to do the job to avoid further damaging your plumbing and septic system.

Calling in professional plumbers at the onset of a problem is always a smart idea since the contractors will know how and where to identify the issue quickly. In case you have slow draining fixtures, plumbers will check the drain-vent system. If the problem is in this area, they have the expertise, tools, and equipment to fix the issue. Also, if you already have a failed septic system, qualified plumbers will be able to detect this easily. Depending on the particular problem and design of your system, the professional plumbers will give you sound advice on whether it is best to have your system repaired or replaced.

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Water Heater Facts Homeowners Should Know

Monday, June 12th, 2017

 Top Water Heater Facts Homeowners Should Know

Often, plenty of homeowners take their hot water heaters for granted. They usually forget about them until they run out of hot water. To beef up your knowledge about the important home features, here are some water heaters facts you may not know about:

Facts About Water Heaters

1. The idea of using a water heater first emerged in London in 1868. A painter discovered how to heat cold water by putting gas burners below the water pipes. Edwin Ruud, a Norwegian mechanical engineer, took inspiration from this idea, so he created the first tank-type water heater.
2. One-fourth of your home’s energy usage often comes from using a water heater for taking showers, doing laundry, and washing dishes.
3. On average, an American household makes use of around 80-120 gallons of hot water on a daily basis. About 6-8 gallons of water are used for showers, 15-20 gallons for taking a bath, 20-30 gallons for a load of laundry, 2 gallons of water per minute for washing the dishes, and 6-10 gallons per load if you use a dishwasher.
4. Be cautious in dealing with water heaters because in less than 5 seconds, the human skin may suffer 3rd-degree burns when it comes in contact with water that has a temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.
5. Tank water heaters usually last for 10-12 years while tankless water heaters can last for 18-20 years.

How Water Heaters Work

Water heaters will look like huge metal cylinders that are consigned to a basement or a laundry room. Some of the latest styles offer some interesting features. Water heaters exploit the heat rising principle so they can provide hot water to your faucet conveniently.
In a traditional water heater system, there is a big tank that will hold and heat the water. The dip tube will feed cold water to the bottom of the tank’s interior, where it starts to warm up. The heating mechanism remains on until the water reaches the desired temperature. The heated water then rises to the top of the tank. The energy used in order to keep the water hot even when no one is using it is known as standby heat loss.
For tankless water heater systems, standby heat loss is avoided because it only heats the incoming water when you need it. As such, they are also known as on-demand water heaters.
A tankless heating system makes use of a powerful heat exchanger, which is only activated by the incoming flow of water. So if you turn on your faucet, the incoming water will circulate through the exchanger, which then heats the cold water to your desired temperature. To schedule an appointment call us today!

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Remodeling an Old Bathroom – Your Blueprint for Success

Thursday, June 8th, 2017

Remodeling an Old Bathroom – Your Blueprint for Success

Perhaps your old bathroom is too small and you wish to have a bigger one built. Or maybe you live in an old home and you want to refresh its look by giving it a do-over, starting with the bathroom. Or perhaps, your old bathroom no longer fits your current needs.

Whatever your reason may be, remodeling an old bathroom is a serious undertaking that should be approached carefully.

Fortunately, you can eliminate some of the guesswork and hassles involved by following these tips; they have worked for other homeowners who have successfully upgraded their old bathrooms.

Use the right type of tiles

If you want bathroom tiles that are easy to clean and maintain, avoid those made with porous materials, like stone. Instead, opt for glazed or porcelain tiles.

On the other hand, if you want to boost safety, opt for tiles with matte finishes, textured surfaces, or those that contain sand in their glazes.

Keep mildew at bay with the right type of caulk

Opt for an acrylic or hybrid formula caulk which can provide protection against mildew for up to five years. Additionally, both are easy to remove.

Need a half bath?

If you want a half bath, you will need a space that measures roughly three feet by six feet. Do check your local building codes for further clarification.

Upgrade the electrical system

Take advantage of the work that will be done in your old bathroom and have its electrical system upgraded. This is particularly important if you live in a very old home. The new electrical system should be able to accommodate your gadgets and appliances.

Placement of bathroom accessories

How high should you place towel bars, robe hooks and other accessories? Broadly speaking, the towel bar should be about four feet high, the medicine cabinet about five and half feet high, and the toilet paper holder should be around six inches away from the toilet.

Leave room for accessories

If space is limited, consider adding niches where you can place toiletries. This will allow you to make efficient use of available space while leaving enough room for bathroom essentials.

Splurge on the best toilet that you can afford

If you must splurge on one thing, make it the toilet. At the very least, opt for one that has a Maximum Performance testing score of 500.

Know the pros and cons of each type of sink

If you haven’t set sights on a particular type of sink yet, study the pros and cons of each available option and weigh these against the available space as well as your needs.

When you want a warm bathroom floor

Consider investing in an electric mat which can complement your home’s heating system. You can program its thermostat to warm up the floor a few minutes before you wake up.

 If you are interested in remodeling your bathroom, call us to set up an appointment!

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How to get jewelry out of a drain

Wednesday, May 31st, 2017
You are doing the dishes after a family meal and before you even finish, your prized piece of jewelry (a ring, bracelet, earring) slips off from you. Before you even have the time to catch it, it goes down the kitchen sink.

What should you do?

If you want to know how to get jewelry out of a drain, here are the steps that you need to follow.

Keep the area off limits

Tell the members of the household to avoid using the sink until the item has been retrieved. Otherwise, it will become increasingly difficult to get the jewelry back.

Turn off the garbage disposal and water

If water keeps on flowing down the drain, the jewelry might be pushed down further until it reaches the sewer line. When that happens, the chance of getting the item back becomes slim.

Stopping the flow of water increases the likelihood that the item goes to a more accessible area of the kitchen plumbing system, like the P-trap.

Find a magnet

Find a strong magnet and attach it to a string. After that, lower the magnet down the drain. There’s a good chance that you can get your jewelry back with this nifty trick.

Check the P-trap

If you can’t retrieve your jewelry with a magnet tied to a string, the next best thing to do is to check if the item is sitting inside the P-trap.

Before removing the different components of the P-trap, you should place a bucket underneath it to catch the water, the grime, and hopefully, the jewelry that went down the drain.

Start by removing the slip nuts and the J-shaped part of the P-trap using either a pair of pliers or a wrench. If you are lucky enough, you will be able to retrieve the lost item and you can replace the parts that you remove. But before replacing these parts, it is a good idea to clean the gunk off the pipes.

Call your Appleton Plumber 

If you are unable to successfully retrieve the item or if you do not want to gamble and test your luck with your home’s plumbing system, consider calling in the experts for help.

Preventing this plumbing emergency

If you wish to avoid the loss of a piece of prized jewelry, there are a few things that you can do.

As much as possible, remove any jewelry before doing the dishes, especially if the sink is open and unstopped.

Place the jewelry that you removed from yourself in a safe area and not over the sink. Alternatively, you can put a jewelry tray nearby.

Put drain stoppers in the kitchen and bathroom sinks. These can help prevent jewelry and other valuable items from going down the drain.

If you have a piece of jewelry trapped in your drain, please call us today for help!

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Why Are My Drains Bubbling?

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017

Bubbling toilets or drains explained

Whenever you use the bathroom to take care of your personal hygiene, the only sounds you would want to hear are the ones you make as you move around — the sudden rush of water as you turn on the tap, the toilet flushing, water going down the drain. If your body pipes up as well — such as your stomach rumbling thanks to the heavy meal you had earlier — that would be expected, and thus totally fine, too.

What you don’t want to hear, however, is a gurgling noise coming from various areas of the bathroom. If you hear this gurgling or bubbling noise after you use the shower, sink, or the toilet, it could mean trouble — and it’s something that you shouldn’t ignore.

Why are my drains bubbling? Here are possible answers to this question:

·         There is a blockage in your vent pipe or drain

·         A pipe may have collapsed or gotten damaged

·         There is a buildup of grease dirt or other debris in your home’s plumbing

Vent pipes are joined to the major pipes that make up your home’s plumbing. These typically end at the roof of your house. If a vent pipe is blocked by things such as accumulated dirt or debris coming from outside your house such as dead leaves, these gurgling noises indicate that air cannot escape through the vent. Instead, the air makes its way to the nearest available opening, which could be the sink in your bathroom.

If the problem is buildup in your plumbing, it means that water cannot drain properly. Typically, both water and air flow through the drain and then escape the pipes through their respective spots. When the pipes are dirty and blocked, however, the air bubbles will end up getting expelled at the nearest vent, which results in the bubbling noise.

Keep in mind, though, that if you hear the gurgling noise in every drain you can find throughout the house, then it is an indication of a much bigger blockage in the main plumbing pipe, and not in the smaller pipes attached to the drains.

How can these blocks — and consequently, the gurgling sounds — be prevented?

There are a number of things that everyone in the household can do to keep your home’s pipes free and clear:

·         Refrain from pouring or throwing anything down the drain that could cause buildup — this could be grease, hair strands, food particles, and other physical waste.

·         If the buildup already exists, you can try using chemical solutions to clean out the pipes. Make sure to use the product as directed so that they can work as intended. Also, remember to follow safety precautions when handling the chemicals.

·         Alternatively, an auger can be used to manually unclog the pipes. With sufficient force, any buildup can be broken up, but take care not to cause damage to the pipes and cause additional leaking problems.

If you’re unsure about how to perform these properly, there’s always the option of getting in touch with the plumbing specialists in your area. These professionals will know exactly how to diagnose and resolve your plumbing problems and get rid of that troublesome gurgling noise once and for all.

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A Guide to Locating Leaky Pipes

Thursday, May 18th, 2017

Appleton Plumber Provides Advice in Locating Leaky Pipes

Isn’t it just annoying when you find a puddle in your house and you’re not sure what or who created it? Before you conduct your sleuthing, tough, you better wipe it up first lest somebody slips on it.If water no longer reappears after wiping up the area, it’s quite likely that somebody just spilled something on the floor. However, if a new puddle forms, one of the possible causes is a leaky pipe.

If you suspect that you indeed have leaky pipes, the plumbers trusted by Fox Valley and Applegate residents have an easy guide, provided below, that you can follow to locate where the leaks are.

How to take care of the problem

  1. Wipe up the puddle again and then place paper towels or bags around the area where you found the puddle. The leak may be coming from under the floor or from the pipes located on the walls or overhead. If a drip falls, it will surely leave a spot and it’s going to be easy finding where the drip came from.
  2. Do check supply lines or water-using appliances around the area as well. They may have rips or splits, or hoses that have come loose. Turn on the water to see if there are leaks anywhere and then turn the supply off once you see a puddle forming somewhere. It helps to perform this task to establish whether your damaged plumbing system or something else causes the puddle.
  3. Once you identify where the leak is coming from, see if you can perform a remedial job that can control the leak until you can get a plumber to carry out a proper repair.
  4. Now, if you no longer see a puddle after wiping it up, this doesn’t mean that there’s no leak. Observe the area for the next few days because it may just be a slow leak and it only creates a puddle when certain activities at home increase water pressure. You also need to take care of slow leaks because over time, they may get worse. Have your plumber have a look at them so preventive work can be carried out.

If you simply cannot find where the accumulation of water is coming from, set an appointment with your plumber right away. Leaks are no light issues; they can be the cause of accidents, they can attract moisture-loving pests (cockroaches, moths, spiders, and rodents), they can encourage the proliferation of harmful bacteria and molds, they can cause damage to other structural elements of your house or to your furniture, and they can create a spike in your water bill. Contact one of our Appleton, WI plumbers today!

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Benefits of Walk in Tubs for Seniors

Wednesday, May 10th, 2017

Safer, Easier Bath Time with Walk in Tubs for Seniors

Baths are dangerous places for the elderly and infirm. Slippery water, slick porcelain, thresholds that need to be stepped over — it’s a formula for disaster if you aren’t steady on your feet. Aside from adding grab bars and non-slip shower mats, it’s usually best to also install walk in bathtubs. This is one of the most common solutions in elderly and medical care facilities.

Just Lets You Walk In

Walk in tubs allow senior folk to walk straight into the tub and forgo the perilous exercise of stepping over the tub’s edge one shaky leg at a time. They go through an inwards-opening watertight door. A seat is also installed into the tub, which allows the elderly to sit comfortably while they take a bath and relax.

All these accommodations naturally make walk in bathtubs costlier than the norm. Expect price tags to start at around $2,000, with more luxurious designs going upwards of $10,000. The $8,000 difference between low and high-end walk in tubs include, but are not limited to:

  • High-speed drains
  • Shower wands
  • Complex temperature controls
  • Bubbling jets, and more

Finding the Perfect Tub to Walk Into

Walk in tubs are investments not only because they tend to be expensive; you also need to pay close attention to the design and features of your purchase. Since they’re designed specifically to meet the needs of the infirm and the elderly in the bathroom, you need to closely inspect if they meet the needs of whoever will be using them.

Consider, for instance, that some walk in tubs have narrow entrances, and the senior who will use the tub may not be able to easily navigate the entrance if it’s too narrow. Others have small ridges that you have to step over — much smaller and easier to surmount than an ordinary tub’s full height — but it could still prove to be an inconvenience. Make sure the person who will be using the walk in tub can get an opportunity to see it and try it out before purchase.

A Caveat: Walk In Tubs Require Patience

Since they have installed doors, it’s obvious that the elderly using them won’t be able to “walk into” a tub full of water. Walk in tubs are filled with the user already inside, and likewise, drained completely before the user gets out.
This means you also need to closely consider temperature controls — nobody wants to sit in an empty tub filling with cold water while waiting to bathe. Nobody wants to wait while the tub takes its time to get filled, too, so there’s another factor. In the same vein, since users can’t exit without draining the tub first, drain times should also be factored in.

Walk in tubs for seniors are a valuable and pricey investment; ask your plumber for more details.

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Common Plumbing Problems In Older Homes

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

Even in today’s digital age, many people are still looking to buy older homes. But often, these buyers are only looking at the surface of the house.

It’s important to look beyond what you can easily see — for instance, check the pipes.

Galvanized Pipes

Plenty of older homes have galvanized piping. A galvanized pipe is made of steel covered with a layer of zinc to protect it. But the zinc erodes from the piping over time, which causes the pipes to fail from the inside. In turn, this leads to different problems like stopped-up toilets and faucets and low water pressure. Sediment will fill the pipes as they corrode, thereby blocking water flow.

Concrete or Cast Iron Pipes

Some older homes have these kinds of pipes. Concrete pipes won’t deteriorate; however, they will shift and move under the home’s foundation. Cast iron pipes, on the other hand, will deteriorate over time just like the galvanized pipes but can eventually disappear.

Lead Pipes

These pipes have a lifespan of a century. Although they wear well, they may leak lead into the drinking water, causing serious health conditions to households.

Copper Pipes

These can be too pricey for home plumbing, but copper pipes are reliable and durable since they are not prone to leaking.

What else to look for?

Thoroughly check the components attached to pipes, water heaters, drains, and other plumbing systems regularly. When they are not maintained properly, huge problems can happen.

A valve on a line might look normal but it may not work well. Just because it is not leaking does not necessarily mean that there’s no problem with it.

How to Manage Plumbing Issues in Older Homes

  • Determine what kind of pipes were installed – Whether the property has copper, galvanized or concrete pipes, let a licensed plumber inspect it. This professional knows if the pipes are still fully functional or already need replacement.
  • Have a professional check the foundation of the property – Aside from the deteriorating pipes, it is also possible that tree roots have strangled the property’s sewer lines. To prevent costly future repairs, ask a certified professional to check the foundation of the sewer lines and septic systems of the property.
  • Renovate – This is the last resort in managing plumbing issues in older homes. Replace the older pipes with new plumbing systems. Also, replace or repair the property’s water lines, drains, vents, and sewer lines.

Prior to buying a house, it’s always best to know and understand the common plumbing problems in older homes. Also, you should have a professional plumber evaluate the property’s current plumbing condition – which is why you should call us today!

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Why Become A Plumber?

Thursday, April 13th, 2017

There are many factors that should influence your choice of career to pursue. The most important ones include your interest and preference, skills, talents, and your financial capability, since specializing in a particular area comes with a lot of expenses.

Another essential factor that many people neglect to consider, but one that should be prioritized, is employability – will you be able to find a job immediately after you finish your studies?

Since this a key element that you should also consider, before making your decision, you need to have a good idea of the demand for your profession in the future to ensure that you won’t join the ranks of the unemployed.

Good Reasons to Become a Plumber

Whether you’ve just graduated from high school or you’re looking to switch to a new profession, you should never exclude being a skilled tradesman from your choices of possible career paths. Being a plumber, in particular, should be on top of your list.

But why become a plumber? Even if this job will require you to get your hands (and other parts of your body) dirty all the time, there are several benefits that come with this profession. These include the following:

It’s a financially rewarding and stable job.

Plumbers are one of the most highly paid tradespeople. Whether they get paid by the hour or on a contract or project basis, they are still well compensated.

In addition, there is always a demand for a plumber: after all, every residential and commercial property has a plumbing and drainage system. Once an issue arises with these systems, home and commercial property owners wouldn’t want this problem to be present for long and to blow out of proportion since it will be a source of great discomfort and stress for them. They will always call a plumber immediately. It is one of the few trades wherein you won’t have to worry about employment security or stability.

You can expect low course fees.

Plumbing courses are typically offered by vocational schools and community colleges. As such, they don’t come with steep fees. This means you won’t have to pay a huge student loan debt – a problem that many college students will have to face after they graduate.

You can start earning even while you’re still studying.

Aside from having a job waiting for you once you complete your course, even before you embark on your career, you can already get paid while under an apprenticeship program. There is no better perk for students than earning while learning all they need to know about the trade.

Possibilities for career advancement.

Since plumbing is a licensed and regulated trade, you have many opportunities to work your way up. The highest level you can obtain is the master’s rank. It is a level worth aiming for since master plumbers have a higher salary, more job flexibility, and more opportunities than other professions.

Lastly, you’ll never have to call a plumber.

When you have a plumbing problem in your home, you won’t have to call and pay a plumber to fix it; you can do it yourself. In addition, you’ll also be of great help to your family, relatives, and friends since you will be able to deal with any plumbing or drainage issue they may have as well.

Turek’s Plumbing is the best plumbing company in Appleton, WI. We offer great benefits and company culture. If you are interested in a career in plumbing, be sure to visit our employment page for more information. We are always looking for plumbers who are great at problem-solving and have a positive attitude. So call us today!

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Choosing a Plumber – A Few Important Things to Consider

Thursday, April 6th, 2017

Plumbing troubles and emergencies can arise when you least expect these. And when you encounter these hassles, it is crucial that prompt action be taken in order to prevent further damage.

As such, it is crucial that you call in a plumber that you trust. However, in most cases, homeowners choose a plumber as an afterthought — only when there is a problem that should be dealt with immediately.

The problem with this habit is that you could end up hurriedly scrounging the phonebook or the internet for someone to call, especially if the problem arises during the late hours. And the longer you conduct your search, the more damage the problem causes.

Here are some tips that will make choosing a plumber easier for you, regardless of whether you conduct your search online or get recommendations from friends, relatives or colleagues.

One of the first things that you should look for is a plumber’s license.

That license ensures that the plumber’s credentials are verifiable. Furthermore, a license is a sign that the plumber has invested the necessary resources that make his business legitimate.

Next, check if the plumber has insurance.

If the plumber is licensed, it is highly likely he has insurance since licensing bodies require plumbers to have insurance. However, do not automatically assume that your plumber has one and ask for proof.

Ask if the plumber offers guarantees for his work.

Although guarantees on labor and parts have become an industry standard, again, you should never simply assume.

Inquire if the plumber has received awards or has joined professional organizations. Both are proof that the plumber consistently provides quality work. But apart from quality work, your chosen plumber should also provide excellent customer service. One way to check that is to call the plumber’s office. The best ones will have a person designated to answer customer calls.

It is highly recommended that you get quotes from at least three plumbers.

Upon receipt of these quotes, compare these. Although it is tempting to choose the one that offers the lowest prices, you have to resist. Remember, you get what you pay for.

Whether you conduct your search through your network or online, do not hire a plumber without checking his online reputation. Websites like the Better Business Bureau and Yelp can provide you insights on the quality of work and customer service provided by the plumber. However, do not be discouraged by a few bad reviews. Mistakes and misunderstandings can happen and you should evaluate each individual situation as a unique case. Schedule an appointment with us today!

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