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A Guide to Locating Leaky Pipes

Appleton Plumber Provides Advice in Locating Leaky Pipes

Isn’t it just annoying when you find a puddle in your house and you’re not sure what or who created it? Before you conduct your sleuthing, tough, you better wipe it up first lest somebody slips on it.If water no longer reappears after wiping up the area, it’s quite likely that somebody just spilled something on the floor. However, if a new puddle forms, one of the possible causes is a leaky pipe.

If you suspect that you indeed have leaky pipes, the plumbers trusted by Fox Valley and Applegate residents have an easy guide, provided below, that you can follow to locate where the leaks are.

How to take care of the problem

  1. Wipe up the puddle again and then place paper towels or bags around the area where you found the puddle. The leak may be coming from under the floor or from the pipes located on the walls or overhead. If a drip falls, it will surely leave a spot and it’s going to be easy finding where the drip came from.
  2. Do check supply lines or water-using appliances around the area as well. They may have rips or splits, or hoses that have come loose. Turn on the water to see if there are leaks anywhere and then turn the supply off once you see a puddle forming somewhere. It helps to perform this task to establish whether your damaged plumbing system or something else causes the puddle.
  3. Once you identify where the leak is coming from, see if you can perform a remedial job that can control the leak until you can get a plumber to carry out a proper repair.
  4. Now, if you no longer see a puddle after wiping it up, this doesn’t mean that there’s no leak. Observe the area for the next few days because it may just be a slow leak and it only creates a puddle when certain activities at home increase water pressure. You also need to take care of slow leaks because over time, they may get worse. Have your plumber have a look at them so preventive work can be carried out.

If you simply cannot find where the accumulation of water is coming from, set an appointment with your plumber right away. Leaks are no light issues; they can be the cause of accidents, they can attract moisture-loving pests (cockroaches, moths, spiders, and rodents), they can encourage the proliferation of harmful bacteria and molds, they can cause damage to other structural elements of your house or to your furniture, and they can create a spike in your water bill. Contact one of our Appleton, WI plumbers today!

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