Tureks Plumbing Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Appleton Plumber’

How to Avoid Common Plumbing Issues

Wednesday, February 5th, 2020

how to avoid common plumbing issuesPlumbing issues are enough to cause health hazards to you and your family as well as damage your property in Appleton Wisconsin. They also have the potential to cost you thousands of dollars in repairs and replacements. Usually, plumbing issues start off small and if unattended, grow to become costly affairs. It is impossible to avoid plumbing issues because your home will continue to age with time. Therefore, the best way to prevent plumbing issues from crippling your entire home is by trying as much as possible to avoid them. 

Here are some of the most common plumbing issues and the best ways to avoid them in your home. 

Leaking Faucets and Pipes 

Leaking pipes and faucets are not only a nuisance to a homeowner, but are also likely to increase your water bills. A leaking tap is usually caused by a torn, stiff or dislodged washer. The washer forms a seal when the tap is closed to prevents leaks. Consistent use tends to wear the washer thus making it ineffective. 

It is hard to prevent your tap from wearing out naturally. The only thing you can do is slow down the process by using the tap responsibly. Avoid exerting excessive pressure on your faucets during closing. Make sure to carry out regular inspections on your pipes as well to deal with any leaks as they come. 

Water Heater Problems 

Your water heater is responsible for heating all the water you need for cleaning. Water heater problems include inadequate water heating, leaking, and discolored water. They are easily recognizable and can be avoided through proper maintenance. Make sure to regularly check the pressure valve and flush the tank to get rid of sediments in a tank water heater.  

Clogged Drains and Toilets

Yet another issue you are bound to experience in your home. A clogged drain or toilet can cause a lot of health hazards to you and your family. Clogging usually happens when a foreign object partially or completely blocks the waterway leading to backups. 

You can avoid clogged drainage systems and toilets by practicing responsible waste management. Do not flush down non-dissolvable items down the toilet or your drainage system. Keep an eye on the children and stop them from flushing down their toys. Additionally, use a hair catcher in your shower to prevent bits of your hair from clogging the drainage system. 

Low Water Pressure 

Low water pressure is a nuisance because you never have enough water to carry out your house chores efficiently. It also affects other appliances in the house such as water heaters that require high pressure to activate. 

While low water pressure is usually experienced in older homes, new homes can also experience the same. It could be caused by leaking pipes and taps or a build-up of minerals and sediments in your plumbing system. 

You can avoid this problem by inspecting your plumbing system for any leaks and having a plumber fix them in time. Make sure to install a filtration system to prevent the build-up of mineral and sediments in your water system.

You will not be able to prevent all plumbing issues in your home. After all, they are not always easy to pinpoint or fix. You can, however, make a point of calling a responsible and highly qualified plumbing company in Wisconsin. At Tureks Plumbing services, we guarantee professional, ethical and honest plumbing services at any time of the day.  



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Leaking Toilet Base

Wednesday, September 25th, 2019

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1569263090937{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]leaking toilet base - Plumber in Appleton WIA leaking toilet base can prove to be a big nuisance in the bathroom, especially if it is an old bathroom. A leaking toilet base is an unhygienic problem, and it can make your bathroom look not well taken care of. Another problem is that it can damage your bathroom flooring, and leave stains. To avoid severe water damage arising because of a leaking toilet base, you can address this common plumbing problem by fixing it yourself even if it the first time you are trying your hand at plumbing repairs.

Call Your Local Plumbing Experts

Our team at Tureks Plumbing Services are always ready and happy to assist you with your plumbing problems. If you don’t have time to deal with leaking toilets then give us a call at anytime. Our expert plumbers can analyze and advise you on the problem and the best possible solution for it.

How to Fix Leaking Toilet Base

  • Problem identification: To do this, you first need to dry the base, and this can be done by wiping it by a cloth or a towel. After doing this, you need to check all the connections.
  • Address the faulty connections: The bolts connecting the tank to the toilet are secured with rubber washers to prevent the water from leaking. Leakage can occur if these bolts have loosened up. Therefore if you find these bolts to be loose, you can tighten them using a screwdriver. Although you should make sure you do not overtighten the bolts because this can cause the tank to crack. You also need to make sure that the toilet is level on the floor because if it is un-level, it might break the seal. If tightening the bolts does not address the problem, then it means that the problem lies somewhere else. In that case, you may need to reach out to for our plumbing services.
  • Replace the washers: You might need to replace the washers if tightening the bolts does not solve the problem of a leaking toilet base. The washers might have worn out, and before replacing them, you will first need to stop the water source. After that, remove the bolts, dry the area, and replace the washers.
  • Replace the wax ring: If the problem still persists, it is possible it is due to a failed wax ring. The wax ring is not a very expensive replacement and will therefore not cause a serious dent in your pocket. But on the flip side, it might take a few hours of your time to replace as you will have to remove the toilet in order to replace it. After removing the toilet base, you need to remove the old ring and replace it after thoroughly cleaning the surroundings. After this replacement, you can install the toilet back into its original place. If this sounds like too much work, we will gladly do it for you, just fill out a plumbing service request.
  • Replace the toilet altogether: If all of the methods mentioned above have failed, there is only one option left, and that is to remove and replace the whole toilet itself.


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How to Locate Your Sewer Cleanout

Wednesday, August 21st, 2019

sewer cleanout - Tureks Plumbing ServicesThe sewer lines on your property are important pieces of infrastructure because they move wastes and water away from your home. It is therefore essential for you to maintain this system so that it gives you years of trouble-free service. One of the crucial things you should know is the location of the sewer cleanout valve from where you can remove any debris and waste which could clog the system. The experts at Tureks Plumbing Services recommend that you use the following measures to locate this crucial component of the sewer system.

Refer to the Engineering Plans of Your Lot

The cleanout port is an above-ground vertical pipe that drops to the main sewer line on your property. Fox Valley plumbers explain that this vertical pipe usually has a plug at its top to prevent debris from falling into the main sewer line. When an Appleton plumber wants to unclog the sewer line, he or she will most likely start by opening the cleanout and pushing a plumbing snake into the sewer pipe. If you cannot tell the plumber where to find this pipe, then you could pay more as the plumber spends time to search for this fitting.

The first step that Appleton plumbers recommend that you take in your quest for the location of the cleanout access port is by examining the engineering drawings of your home. These documents will point out the different components of the plumbing system, including the location of the cleanout port. Follow the directions given in the plans, and you will find the cleanout port long before the need to use this fixture arises.

Check the Likely Places

Not every homeowner has access to the engineering drawings of the property, especially if it is an older home. In that case, don’t give up on finding the location of the cleanout port. Instead, start your search from the most likely places where this component could be located.

For example, plumbers in Appleton, WI, suggest that you go outside your home to the side where the bathroom is located. Once there, start your search as you move away from the foundation towards the street. You are likely to see this pipe projecting out of the ground.

Plumbers from Tureks Plumbing Services have also seen several homes where the cleanout port is either located in the basement of the house, or it is hidden behind drywall. This is especially likely in homes that are found in cold areas since putting the cleanout indoors prevents it from freezing up during cold weather. Check these places as well and be careful while cutting bits of drywall to avoid damaging electrical wires installed within the walls.

Get Professional Help

If you cannot locate the cleanout after reading the engineering drawings of the home or by searching the places where cleanouts are usually located, it is time to ask Tureks Plumbing Services for help. Our trained professionals have the knowledge and experience to find the cleanout in a short time without tearing up large sections of the drywall or other components of the home during the search.

Once we locate the cleanout, we will use the most appropriate tools to open it and clean it so that the sewer system can function optimally again. So, why bother with this unpleasant task when you can leave it in the capable hands of our professionals? Give us a call today!

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8 Things You Should Never Pour Down Your Drain

Thursday, January 17th, 2019

things you should never pour down your drain - Tureks Plumbing Services

8 Things You Should Never Pour Down Your Drain

Many of the problems with your plumbing system can be traced to the deceptively simple mistakes that you make each time you pour something inappropriate down the drain. Read through the following list of the things you should never pour down your drain.

Avoid Pouring Grease and Cooking Oil Down the Drain

No amount of grease or cooking is small enough to pour down the drain. Grease and cooking oil solidify inside drains and attract other particles to them. Very soon, the mass will grow into a large enough ball to cause a blockage in the plumbing. You will then start noticing that the drains will function sluggishly. The next step will be a total blockage if nothing is done to fix the situation.

Tureks Plumbing Services advises that you refrain from pouring cooking oil or grease down your kitchen sink. Instead, pour oil or scrape grease into a garbage bin for proper disposal so that you save your plumbing system from the possibility of grease or oil-induced clogs.

Avoid Pouring Pumpkin Fragments Down the Drain

It is also a bad idea to dump any part of a pumpkin into the garbage disposal or kitchen drain. This risk increases exponentially during Halloween when you and your family members carve several pumpkins.

What is so bad about getting rid of pumpkins in the garbage disposal? For starters, pumpkin fragments harden when left on any surface. Haven’t you had trouble cleaning your carving knives after leaving them for a while in the aftermath of cutting pumpkins? Fox Valley plumbers caution that the pumpkin fragments can harden within the drain or garbage disposal and cause problems for the system. Instead, pour those fragments in the trash so that you spare the plumbing system from the eventual problems likely to be triggered when they harden inside the pipes.

Avoid Pouring Fibrous Food Items Down the Drain

While it is recommended that you consume as much fiber in your diet as possible, the same can’t be said for your home’s plumbing system. Fibrous foods, such as celery stalks should not be dumped in the garbage disposal. Those fibers will stick on the disposal blades or form clumps within the drainage pipes. Either possibility isn’t good for the health of the plumbing system and should be avoided by placing those foods in the garbage bin.

Avoid Pouring Rice and Pasta Down the Drain

Another thing you should never pour down your drain is rice and pasta. These items have a lot of starch in them. So they can congeal into a paste-like substance that will stick on the walls of the drainage pipes. Additionally, other solids flowing through the system will attach themselves to this starchy glue and cause a major clog to develop. Talk to a plumber in Appleton, WI, in case you have been disposing of these food items in the garbage disposal. The plumber will inspect the pipes and clean those drains so that any accumulations are removed before they cause a blockage.

Avoid Pouring Bones Down the Drain

The garbage disposal can easily crush different kinds of bones that you dump inside it, right? Wrong. The garbage disposal isn’t a crusher or any such heavy-duty machine. Making it break down hard bones will not only cause massive tear and wear, but also cause major problems to your system.

Err on the side of caution by dumping all bones, except tiny fish bones, into the trash can in your kitchen. This will prolong the service life of the garbage disposal and also safeguard the plumbing system from the harmful effects of any bones that may escape the blades of the garbage disposal.

Avoid Pouring Raw Meat Down the Drain

Raw meat (or trimmings) is also one of the things you should never pour down your drain. Experienced plumbers in Fox Valley say that the meat utilizes all the oxygen within the drainage system as it decomposes. Consequently, there will be no oxygen left for the beneficial bacteria that break down the wastes flushed down the plumbing. Over time, the wastes will accumulate in the septic tank and overflow into the drain field. It is, therefore, better to refrain from triggering this unfortunate chain of events if you want to avoid costly plumbing system repairs.

Avoid Pouring Flour Down the Drain

Flour has a lot of starch, so it should not be poured down the drain. When starch absorbs water, it forms some kind of glue that will bind any particles it comes in contact with into a tight ball. This ball of debris will grow larger until it partially or wholly blocks the drainage pipe. Tureks Plumbing Services recommends that you dispose of unwanted flour in the trash can so that it doesn’t cause plumbing system problems.

Avoid Pouring Coffee Grounds Down the Drain

Can you honestly claim that you have never poured coffee grounds down the drain in your kitchen? Most people have done so because they aren’t aware of the long-term harmful effects of that habit. Now that you know, refrain from pouring those spent grounds in the garbage disposal. They will accumulate in the drains and eventually cause a clog. A far better use of the coffee grounds is to scatter them in your garden or place them in your compost pile so that your plants can benefit from their rich nutrients.

The list of the things you should never pour down your drain is longer than what has been covered in the discussion above. Ask Tureks Plumbing Services professionals for specific questions regarding your plumbing system. Our plumbers will be more than glad to address your concerns, and we are waiting for your call if you ever have any plumbing system problem and need help resolving it.

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7 Ways to Save Water at Home

Friday, January 4th, 2019

tureks plumbing services Ways to save water at home

7 Ways to Save Water at Home

Many areas regularly experience water shortages that cause the utility companies to ration how much water each home can access in a day. Additionally, the cost of water has been creeping upwards over the years. These two factors make a strong case for saving as much water as you can in your home. This article discusses some of the easy ways to save water at home so that you reduce how much you spend while conserving the environment.

Fix Water Leaks

Experienced professionals at Tureks Plumbing Services estimate that most homes have water leaks they aren’t aware. Many homeowners don’t realize this until a plumber performs a plumbing system inspection, or a major leak develops, and water starts gushing out. Those undetected leaks not only cause your monthly water bill to rise, but they also have the potential to trigger other costly effects. Damage to your foundation and the risk of mold growth in your home are commonly caused by water damage.

It is therefore prudent to fix any faucet or other leaks as soon as they are noticed. In the meantime, you can use a bucket to collect any water from a leaking faucet. Use that water for other domestic chores, such as watering your indoor plants.

Be Mindful of How You Use the Dishwasher

Many modern dishwashers come with an Eco setting. Use that setting each time you are using this appliance. Additionally, you can save more water by waiting until you have a full load for the dishwasher before you start it. This measure will use water more economically than when you run less than full loads in the dishwasher.

Upgrade to Water-Efficient Appliances

Efficiency is much more important today. Our friends at Gilmore Heating & Air, a plumbing and residential ac company in Folsom, agree that homeowners everywhere are upgrading to energy-efficient HVAC systems and water-efficient appliances. By popular demand, most appliance manufacturers now have water-efficient models that you can consider for your home. For example, you can ask an Appleton plumber from Tureks Plumbing Services to replace your old toilets with dual-flush versions.

The dual-flush toilets conserve water because a user flushes using less water after a short call while the full flush is reserved for the time when a member of your household has done number two. Similarly, a smart sprinkler system can save you a lot of water. Since the system will determine the most appropriate volume of water to use during each session of watering your lawn. Sensors in the soil detect how much water is still available and send signals to the control system to tweak its parameters for that day.

Buy Biodegradable Cleaning Products

One of the biggest reasons why there is less water, and it is expensive is the impact of the pollutants contained in modern cleaning products. Those pollutants are poured down drains, and they ultimately end up in underground water reservoirs or streams. Utility companies, therefore, have to use a lot of resources to clean that water before supplying it to homes and other places where it is needed.

Plumbers in Appleton, WI, therefore advise homeowners to opt for eco-friendly cleaners when shopping. This will reduce the degree to which groundwater is polluted.

Know When to Water Your Plants

The time when you water your plants can also contribute to water conservation or wastage in your home. For example, a person who waters the lawn at midday will waste a lot of water because a fraction of that water will evaporate instead of percolating into the ground. In contrast, another person who waters the lawn early in the morning or late in the afternoon will conserve water because most of the water will soak into the ground during the cool weather. It is also helpful to invite a Fox Valley plumber to check the irrigation system for leaks.

Reduce Your Shower Time

Research has established that the traditional showerheads release about five gallons of water every minute. People who take lengthy showers, therefore, waste a lot of water. Another of the ways to save water at home entails spending no more than five minutes when showering. Use a timer if need be. Switch to low-flow showerheads as well so that you cut water use in the shower further. Plumbers from Tureks Plumbing Services can help you to select the most appropriate showerheads.

Another related trick is to keep the water faucet off as you brush your teeth, shave or soap your hands. A touch-free faucet can be a good upgrade for the purpose of saving water as you use the bathroom sink.

Spread the Word – Save Water

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that your efforts alone will achieve the water conservation results that you desire. Tell all your family members to participate to save the most water! Devote more effort towards training your kids to be mindful of how they use water. You will gradually see them become more conscious of their water-use habits.

Implementing the different ways to save water at home requires you to partner with an experienced plumber in Appleton, WI. Contact Tureks Plumbing Services if you need any help in dealing with a plumbing problem. We are available 24/7 throughout the year, including holidays.

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How to Install a New Water Heater

Wednesday, October 10th, 2018

How to install a new water heater

How to Install a New Water Heater

Today, instant hot water is no longer considered a luxury; it is now more of a necessity. When you have a water heater, you don’t have to run the bath for several minutes to get the right temperature. You won’t suddenly be drenched by cold water in the middle of enjoying a warm bath as well.

The key to enjoying a warm or hot water every time you need it is to install your water heater properly. Although this is a job best left to experts, there is nothing wrong with trying to install it yourself. And once you have any problems going through with any of the installation steps, you have to call a professional plumber immediately.

Installing Your Electric Water Heater

Below are the steps on how to install a new water heater properly and safely:

Turn off the water and electricity supply

Shut off the circuit breaker for the line where you will connect the heater.  Next, turn off the home’s main water shutoff valve or the shutoff valve at the cold water supply line running to your current heater.  

Drain the old tank

Turn off the cold water supply to the heater. This is often located at the top of the unit. Next, connect a hose to the water heater’s drain valve and open the valve. Place the end of the hose near a floor drain or into a pail.

Make sure you drain the tank completely before you turn off the valve and remove the hose.

Disconnect the electric and plumbing connections

Next, disconnect the water heater’s electrical wires. Label the wires or take a picture so that you can easily use them later when connecting your new heater’s wires. Once done, disconnect the hot and cold water supply pipes.

If your current heater used copper piping, you may need to cut the pipes. Use a pipe tubing cutter to do this and leave as much of the pipe as possible.

Remove the old heater and place the new one

Once you have taken down the old tank, place the new heater into position. Make sure you line it up with the existing electrical and plumbing connections.   

Next, install the different fittings. These include the temperature and pressure relief or TPR valve and discharge drain pipe. Make sure you follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions.

Connect the water pipes

If the cold water supply does not have a shutoff valve, now is the time to install one. When done, use the correct fittings to connect the cold water inlet and hot water outlet on the water heater to their respective pipes. Be sure to use the correct type of fittings.

Connect the heater to the electrical source

Use the previous wire connections as a guide and connect the new wires in the same way that you removed them. Make sure you follow the labels when connecting the cables to the electrical source.  

Set the temperature

Turn on the cold water supply valve to the water heater and turn on the main water supply valve to fill the tank with water. Next, restore power to the water heater circuit. Set the temperature between 110 and 125 degrees F and wait until the water in the tank comes up to temperature. Leave the water turned on for a few minutes to ensure that the heater maintains the desired temperature.

Getting Help from Pros

As you can see from the steps above, installing a new water heater is not an easy task. You will need a number of plumbing tools which you may not have as well.

If you don’t want your new water heater to become a fire, explosion, and health hazard, hire a pro to install it properly.

By hiring a plumber to handle the installation, you:

  • Ensure the electrical lines are connected properly and safely
  • Allow the ignition sources to be checked, cleaned, and repaired, if necessary
  • Avoid damaging the TPR
  • Avoid the possibility of bacterial contamination

By letting a trusted Appleton plumber handle the water heater installation, you will be sure you can use your newly installed electric water heater as soon as possible. You will be able to use it safely for a long time as well.

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Causes of Foul-Smelling Septic Tank and Slow Drain

Wednesday, September 12th, 2018

Causes of foul-smelling septic tank and slow drain

Foul-Smelling Septic Tank and Slow Drain: 4 Possible Causes

A foul-smelling septic tank and slow drain are among some of the serious plumbing problems that must be addressed immediately. Otherwise, these can lead to costly home repairs.

To better understand how these problems happen, Turek’s Plumbing shares four potential causes and some ways to prevent them.


Just like any home appliance or furnishings, overusing your draining system can lead to problems. If, for instance, you and your family are using more water and giving out more waste than what your septic tank can accommodate, slow draining will happen in an instant.

Water usage is usually the main culprit because, with too much water, the septic tank will drain too long. Also, the sediments that have settled at the bottom of the tank will be disturbed. As a result, it will flow into the leach field, which will then clog up the system. When this happens, there will be sewage backup, and wastewater can leak into your home and in your yard.

Thus, if it has been 2-3 years since your septic tank has been pumped-out, contact an Appleton plumber now. A professional septic tank pumping and cleaning service will prevent the occurrence of serious septic tank problems. Investing in this service periodically will prevent blockages in the sewer drain, eliminate foul smells, and prevent the leakage of sewage.

Mechanical Issues

Slow drains can also be a result of mechanical issues. Your toilet or sink may have become ill-fitted over time. This must be checked by a Fox Valley plumbing company to make sure that your fixtures and drainage will once again function efficiently and properly.

Tree Roots

The roots of your trees are too resilient. They can easily drill right through anything that is on their way. So make sure that your drainage system and septic tank are installed in an area where tree roots can’t reach.

Long Plumbing Maintenance Intervals

Plumbing maintenance must be done on a regular basis. But if you have a busy daily schedule, there is a higher possibility that you’ll forget to call professionals to inspect and clean your septic system. You may only be reminded when it’s already too late.

So to prevent this from happening, you need to create a schedule or perhaps assign a family member to remind you of the cleaning and pumping schedule. If not, you can use today’s technology – for instance, create a reminder on your smartphone.

Adhering to a regular maintenance schedule for your septic system must be taken seriously. After all, this is the only way for you to enjoy a quick-draining home.

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Bathroom Plumbing Basics

Wednesday, September 5th, 2018

Basic plumbing problems

5 Bathroom Plumbing Basics Homeowners Should Know By Heart

Plumbing issues in the bathroom can be one of the most stressful problems you can have in your home.

Knowing the basic bathroom plumbing hacks can ensure you can still use your toilet until a professional plumber can get to the bottom of your issue and provide a long-lasting solution.

Here are five bathroom plumbing basics you should know about to deal with some common plumbing issues:

Low water pressure

Taking a bath with low water pressure can really be a drag. But before you call a plumber, check if the pressure remains low when you switch from cold water to hot water. If it does, this means that there is some kind of mineral deposit in your shower head aerator.

If your aerator is removable, take it out and soak it in vinegar overnight. In case the aerator is not detachable or your shower doesn’t have one, soak the shower head in a bag of vinegar overnight.

In case this quick-fix does not work, an Appleton plumber says that the shower head cartridge may be blocking the water flow, thus causing the low water pressure. For this instance, you need to call a plumber since the cartridge needs to be removed and fixed or replaced.

The plumber will also need to the check the water pressure at the water meter and inspect your pipes to determine other possible causes.

Leaking faucet

One of the most common causes of a dripping faucet is a worn-out washer. This is the rubber part that forms a seal to prevent water from coming out. All rubber washers wear out over time due to exposure to water.

To know if this is the cause of dripping faucet in your bathroom, you will have to unscrew the faucet to remove the cartridge and check the washer. If you don’t have the tools to unscrew the faucet and to remove the cartridge, you will have to call a plumber.  

Slow or clogged drains

Slow or clogged sinks and shower drains are often caused by a buildup of accumulated hair, soap and shampoo scum, and other debris in the drains.

To fix this issue, remove the pop-off drain cover in the sink or shower floor. Put on some rubber gloves and remove any debris. You can also use an auger or an old, partially straightened wire hanger to pull up hair strands and other debris.

If this does not fix the problem, use a plunger to loosen the debris. Next, flush the drains with a mixture of vinegar and baking soda to further unclog and clean the drains.

Clogged Toilet

A clogged toilet can make your bathroom and even your home unsanitary.

If you’re not afraid to get dirty to try and fix this problem, use a plunger to remove the clog. In case the plunger does not work, use an auger to dislodge clogs that the plunger can’t reach.

If you don’t want to unclog your toilet on your own or it still doesn’t work, call a professional.

Running Toilet

Lastly, a running toilet problem can often be fixed by replacing a warped or broken flapper, installing a new chain, or readjusting the float.

If you have this issue, you should start by checking the flapper valve first since this part often breaks easily. You can then replace the flapper easily. There are also different toilet repair kits you can buy to stop water from running continuously in your toilet.

In case any these quick fixes do not work, hire a plumber to check your toilet since there will be a deep-seated cause behind this problem.

When you have a bathroom plumbing issue, it is important that you know the difference between minor and major plumbing issues. This will help you save a lot of time and effort in attempting a DIY job. It will prevent you from spending more money than needed as well.

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Warning Signs of a Damaged Sewer Pipe

Monday, August 27th, 2018

Warning Signs of a Damaged Sewer Pipe

A damaged pipe can be a big hassle and a huge drain on your monthly budget.

And unknown to many homeowners, this issue often takes years to arise. More often than not, the warning signs of a damaged sewer pipe are there, hiding in plain sight, ignored, or attributed to another problem.

Homes that are 25 years old or older are particularly vulnerable to damaged sewer pipes. This is because these often use cast iron pipes.

What are the warning signs of damaged sewer pipe homeowners should be on the lookout for?

Slow drainage

Slow drainage is a fairly common plumbing problem which can be resolved fairly quickly. However, if the problem is not resolved after several attempts, it may be a sign of an impending sewer pipe damage.

Here, slow drainage is an indicator of the formation of the blockage.

Foul odor

A sewer pipe that is in good working condition should be able to contain the scent of sewer gas.

If you notice that distinct odor in your home, it may be a sign that the sewer pipe has been cracked.

Backups and blockages

When the backup or blockage occurs in more than one drain, it is highly likely that your sewer pipes are deteriorating.

Therefore, these types of backups and blockages do not respond positively to pipe cleanings.


Molds build up when the humidity level inside a home increases. And one of the possible causes for the increase of humidity inside a home is a cracked sewer pipe. Our friends at Gilmore Heating & Air, a residential ac company in Placerville, recommend consulting with an HVAC company to learn about bacteria-fighting heating and cooling systems.

Pest problems

You have tried practically every solution available for you to get rid of rodents and insects that have infested your home and nothing still works.

It’s not that the solutions that you have implemented are simply not working. It is highly possible that you are attacking parts of the problem.

These unwanted invaders take advantage of the smallest available space to invite themselves in your home.

Patches of unusually green grass

You’re proud of your lawn and all of the efforts you have put toward it. But during one of your mowing sessions, you notice one particular area where the grass seems to be thriving.

The culprit may be the sewage leaking below that area, blessing the grass with nutrients.

Structural damage

When sewer pipes are nearing the end of their usable lifespan and potential damage is imminent, you will notice structural damage in and around your home.

So, this can take various forms, including cracks or settlements in the foundation, sinkholes, and indentations in the lawn or beneath pavers.

Be vigilant

Taken individually, these signs may be considered as indicators of smaller problems.

But if you notice these in conjunction with one another, you might be facing a serious plumbing problem. Contact a plumbing expert immediately. 

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5 Common Sewer Line Problems And Signs You Have Them

Monday, August 20th, 2018

5 Common Sewer Line Problems And Signs You Have Them

Your residential sewer line plays a crucial role in allowing you to have a hygienic and healthy home. When your sewer line is blocked, broken, or has certain issues, this will affect the entire main line of your home plumbing system.

Here are the five common sewer line problems you may encounter and signs that you have these issues:


Sewer lines can become blocked if you keep throwing grease and oil down the sink and flushing objects that shouldn’t be flushed, such as diapers and tampons. The blockage will then restrict water flow in your sewer line.

Common signs that indicate you have a blocked sewer line are:

  • Loud gurgling noises in the pipes
  • The drains are working slower
  • Water is backing up into the lowest drains of your home

Broken, collapsed and skewed pipes

Old residential sewer lines especially those produced before the ‘90s were made of clay or poor-quality plastic pipes. These fixtures become weaker and brittle as the years go by.

If these pipes are not replaced, they will be broken by the shifting of frozen ground or soil surrounding the sewer lines. They can be broken by tree roots as well.

Deteriorated pipes can cause sewer backup. As such, you will also observe water backing up and your drains working slower if your sewer line pipes are damaged.

Tree root infestation

Tree roots naturally gravitate towards areas where water sits to find nutrients. If the sewer line is close enough, roots may grow directly into the pipes. The roots will enter through cracks, crevices, and holes.

Tree root infestations can cause water to back up and overflow. This is one of the biggest plumbing problems you may encounter and often requires major repairs.

Pipe corrosion

Iron pipes last for about 15 to 20 years. After that, they can rust and break open.

Pipe corrosion can also be hastened by the mineral content of the water flowing through the pipe. Its location (behind walls or underground) will speed up its deterioration as well.

If you are experiencing frequent drain backup, your sewer line may already be corroded.

Blocked house trap

A house or plumbing trap is a specially designed fitting shaped like a U which prevents odors from coming out of a city line. It contains water which acts as a natural barrier that blocks odors from escaping and preventing any of them from entering the home.

In case objects such as diapers and tampons are caught in the belly of the trap, the entire system may start to malfunction.

A bad smell coming from your drains can indicate that you have this sewer line issue.

So, knowing the common sewer line problems and their signs is one thing; dealing with them is another. Fixing these issues can be time consuming, complicated, and dirty job. As such, it is best to call plumbing experts immediately when you notice these plumbing problem signs.  

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