Tureks Plumbing Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Your July Home checklist’

Your July Home Checklist

Friday, July 19th, 2019

July home checklistSummer is in full gear, and the month of July can come and go in a blink of an eye. With all the holidays and fun family parties, there’s a lot of things that probably need to be done in and around your home. If you aren’t careful and use a checklist to prioritize what you need to attend every month. Use this handy checklist compiled by the experts at Tureks Plumbing Services so that you cover all your bases in this month of July.

Clean Your Porch Lights

You can either clean the porch lights in situ or remove them and use a dishpan to clean them, depending on the type of lights you have. If the fixtures are removable, then take them down carefully since this makes it easier to do a thorough job of cleaning them. If they aren’t removable, then turn their power off and use a moist cloth to clean them. Finish off the job by drying the fixtures using a soft cloth. This is also the time to replace any light bulbs that aren’t working, so don’t forget to get replacements before you start cleaning!

Check Your Home’s Safety Devices

It is a good practice to check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors every month, so no exceptions should be made for the month of July. Check the batteries and replace them if they are due for replacement and consider replacing any detector which is older than ten years. If you are replacing your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, consider getting those who are interconnected since this type can alert all home occupants once a hazard is detected. Also, check the expiry date of your fire extinguishers and replace those which are passed their expiry date.

Attend to Your Pets

Summer can be particularly hard on your furry friends if you don’t make ample arrangements for them. For example, avoid leaving your pets at a kennel when you travel since this is very stressful for them. Instead, plan to have a pet sitter so that your pets remain in a familiar setting. Also, remember to have someone watch your pet if you ever decide to leave it inside your car while you run some errands. Provide ample water and access to shade each time you leave your pet at home during the day.

Give Your Windows a Thorough Cleaning

You don’t want dusty windows to limit the amount of sunlight streaming into your home this summer, do you? Get your vinegar solution or commercial glass cleaner and give your windows a thorough cleaning both outside and inside. Complete the task by using a squeegee to dry them. If the windows are very high, don’t risk using ladders to access them. Instead, get a telescoping window washer or hire professionals to undertake this task.

Check All Insect Screens

Summer is almost synonymous with mosquitoes, so you need to make sure your defenses against these pests are intact. Check the window and door screens to confirm that there are no tears or holes to let mosquitoes in. Buy a screen repair kit and fix any damage you observe or get help from home remodel professional in Appleton, WI. With the screens repaired or replaced, no insects will invite themselves into your home.

Improve Your Water Usage Habits

Use the month of July to run a check on your water conservation plans. For example, change the time you water your lawn to the cooler hours of the day so that you limit water loss to evaporation. This could also be the best time for you to install a smart sensor in your sprinkler system so that you can conserve more water. Check for and repair any water leaks inside and outside your home. Our expert plumbers at Tureks Plumbing Services are at your service to check for and fix any plumbing issues that you may have on your property.

Protect Your Landscaping from Fire Hazards

The heat of summer also poses fire risks if your area is particularly dry during this time of the year. Protect the landscaping from outdoor fires by removing any dry weeds, fallen leaves, and any other materials that can ignite if a fire broke out outside your property.

Get Ready for Your Summer Guests

This is the time to clear out any items you had stored in the guest wing of your home. Bring fresh towels in, lay the bed, and place a basket containing bottles of water in a visible place. It is also necessary to get all the needed toiletries into the room before your guests arrive. A bunk or trundle bed is a good idea if your overnight guests may have kids.

Repair or Replace Fence or Garage Door Components

Inspect your fence and identify any components that are old or in disrepair. This is a more taxing home remodel project in Appleton, WI so doesn’t hesitate to reach out for professional help if you aren’t up to the task. If you are handy with tools and have ample time, then, by all means, do it with one or more of your family members.

When was the last time you checked your garage door? Wear and tear naturally happens over time. Our friends at LMS Garage Doors, recommend annual garage door maintenance to avoid garage door replacement.

Assess the Safety Measures of Your Pool

If you have a pool, now is the time to check and upgrade the safety measures that are in place to safeguard your kids, family members, and guests from avoidable risks. Do you have a safety cover on the pool? Is the gate up to code? Is the pool fence free from damage? Ask a professional to help you upgrade any safety mechanisms that are required by law or those you wish to include as extra layers of protection. The additional features you can consider include an alarm that lets you know when someone opens the pool gate.

This to-do list is by no means complete, but you can use it as a handy guide to jogging your memory about the other things that you need to get done in and around your home. For all your plumbing-related remodel projects, contact Tureks Plumbing Services, and we will be glad to help make your dream home a reality.

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