Tureks Plumbing Services Blog: Archive for the ‘Plumbing Problems’ Category

Common Water Heater Problem

Wednesday, October 14th, 2020
common water heater problems - Tureks Plumbing Services

Common Water Heater Problems

Here at Tureks Plumbing Services, we are dedicated to ensuring that all your plumbing queries are answered and needs fulfilled. As we get into the cooler months, more plumbing problems will arise. In this article, we explore some of the most common water heater problems Fox Valley homeowners experience. If you need professional plumbing services in Appleton, WI, contact Tureks Plumbing today!

Water Heater Drip Tube

A dip tube is a plastic tube, usually long, that is present in almost all water heaters. It is fitted into the inlet of the water heater and hangs about 8 inches above the base of the tank. A dip tube that is properly functioning is designed to shoot the cold water coming into the base of the heater where it is heated quickly and with ease. If no dip tube is present in your water heater, the cold water mixes with hot water, which is at the top of the tank heater on its way to the outlet. This is what results in lukewarm water coming out of your faucets, instead of hot water.

In a scenario where the dip tube in your water heater breaks off, depending on how much of it broke off, you may either have only lukewarm water coming from your water heater into your faucets or the water may run out very quickly. Gilmore Heating and Air, an HVAC, and plumbing company in Sacramento explain that this is because the cold water remains at the top of the tank, where it cannot be heated and mixes with hot water from the hot water outlet, which is also located at the top of the tank—hence resulting in cold or lukewarm water going into your house’s hot water pipes before it has been sufficiently heated.

Water heaters manufactured between 1993 and 1997 are equipped with defective dip tubes, which, depending on the water chemistry in your locality, as well as the pH and temperature setting of the water, may result in these tubes crumbling, breaking, or dissolving into smaller pieces.

To check whether your water heater was manufactured between 1993 and 1997, check the first four digits on the serial number. These represent the month and year of manufacture. If the third and fourth numbers are 97, 96, 95, 94, or 93, your units could be affected. 

According to experienced Fox Valley plumbers, there are two options if you indeed have a bad unit. The first would be to replace the water heater and flush all faucet filters and screens in the house. This also applies to water heaters, which have been in use for more than ten years. The water heaters present on the market now are fitted and manufactured with dip tubes that last almost as long as the water heater. For a water heater replacement in Appleton, WI, contact Tureks Plumbing today.

The second option would be to replace the defective dip tube with a cross-linked polyethylene dip tube then flush the sediment, particles, and debris out of the filters, screens, and the water heater. It is important to note that you may have to flush the system more than once to clean the heater effectively. If you would prefer a professional to handle the matter, please reach out to a plumbing company in Appleton, Wisconsin.

Sediment Buildup in Your Water Heater

If your house has a storage-tank water heater, sediment buildup is something that is bound to happen. In the water heating process, water entering the water heater tank is often carrying dissolved naturally-occurring minerals such as magnesium and calcium, little amounts of sand as well as other debris. This debris, combined with the minerals, forms into sediment particles, and they settle at the bottom of the tank, explains OC water heater professionals at Do It Right Plumbers. When these sediment particles buildup, you may experience issues with your heating system such as:

  • Rumbling sounds when the water heater is on
  • Water temperatures fluctuating from lukewarm to hot
  • A decrease in the supply of hot water to your faucets

Sediment buildup affects the water heater’s ability to maintain a consistent temperature of the water, and it also wears down the energy efficiency of the heaters. As the buildup piles, these sediment particles can replace the water in the tank, block the water lines, block the drain valve, or cause untimely tank failure. If your tank prematurely fails, contact emergency Plumbers in Appleton Wisconsin for help with the installation of a new and far more efficient model.

Additionally, to help prevent sediment buildup, hire a professional plumber from Tureks Plumbing Services in Appleton, Wisconsin, to flush your storage tank periodically throughout the year.

Malfunctioning Heating System

Water heaters that have been functioning for 10 to 15 years may be faulty due to old age as well as wear and tear. Also, not flushing your water heater tank periodically throughout the year as recommended by professional plumbers may also interfere with the heating system of one’s water heater.

 A water heater may fail mostly in these three areas:

  • Thermostat
  • Thermal switch
  • The heating element

It is best to leave the diagnosis and water heater repairs to a trained and licensed professional plumber. If any of this information resonates with your water heating problems, please contact Tureks Plumbing Services in Appleton, Wisconsin, today.

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Trenchless Sewer Repair Costs

Wednesday, October 7th, 2020
Trenchless Sewer Repair Costs - Tureks Plumbing Services

How to Determine Costs for Trenchless Sewer Repairs

When your drain line needs to be replaced, pricing is usually the most asked question by people. So, how do you determine trenchless sewer repair costs?

Turek’s Plumbing Services offers trenchless pipe repair services in Appleton, WI. Our team of licensed plumbers works on trenchless repairs more times a year than we can count. Using our vast experience, we answer your questions below by taking you through the whole process: trenchless sewer repairs and breaking it down to show why they cost what they cost.

However, it should be noted that pricing for trenchless sewer repairs may vary, depending on your location, the contractors you choose, the sewer design, and approach.

The following are some of the factors most contractors involved in trenchless pipe repair in Appleton WI consider in the pricing of trenchless sewer repairs.

The Depth and Size of the Pipe in Use 

The thickness of the pipe you are using may be used to determine the cost of the material. Pipes with smaller diameters cost less as compared to those with larger diameters. Also, trenchless methods need access points. An access point will be constructed if your sewer system does not have one. This is done by accessing a vent pipe, installing a sewer cleanout, or unearthing the sewer at the point the Fox Valley plumber chooses.

If the person’s drain requires an access point, the depth of the pipe to be used will also be considered when generating a quote for the repair.

The Trenchless Approach Used

There are many different trenchless methods available. It is essential to do your research and settle on a trenchless way to help you have, at least, a rough estimate of how much it may cost. The different techniques have substantial differences in cost. For example, epoxy pipe lining (cured in place pipe lining), has a very high material cost. For affordable pipelining, contact Tureks Plumbing Services in Appleton WI.

Additionally, McQuillan Bros, an HVAC, and plumbing company in St. Paul, says a sewer line longer than 100 feet may be more expensive to repair/ replace. Methods like pipe-bursting have a lower material cost, although the technique requires more access holes. If this method is used for a sewer with many connecting drains, costs may increase because each connecting drain needs to be uncovered before pipe-bursting to replace the sewer.

Access to Your Existing Pipes

If the sewer line passes below your patio or pool, this may present a challenge in terms of access to a trenchless contractor. Landscaping may also present obstacles in terms of access to the sewer line. Additional costs may be incurred to cut down on dust generation if you want the access hole to be constructed in your house. For properties with utility lines moving across their land, access is not only challenging but also very dangerous. 

If access to one’s sewer line is required in a city street or public passage, prices are bound to skyrocket. This is mainly due to city regulations. For a summed up price quotation, a contractor needs to determine the access point of your pipe. 

The Present State of the Pipe in Use

Your pipe condition may determine the technique to be used in the repairs due to the presence of different trenchless techniques. For instance, if one has a cast iron sewer line with lots of scale buildup, it is required that the pipe be de-scaled before repairs can begin. De-scaling a pipe is a step in the preparation procedure for lining pipes. The process may take any amount of time between an hour to a whole day. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the degree of buildup before the plumbing company in Appleton, WI comes up with a price.

Trenchless contractors are required to collect information on all of the above using a specialized sewer camera before they can give a figure of the total price. Make sure that you receive a sewer camera inspection report before hiring a contractor for sewer pipe repair Appleton, WI to dispense their services.

Trenchless Sewer Repair in Appleton, WI

In conclusion, it is essential to keep in mind that many contractors may quote a price based on price per foot for trenchless repairs. Be cautious before you accept a price per foot estimate as this may be a way to provide an estimate while leaving out important variables that drive the price higher. 

From the above, it is clear that the distance a sewer line covers isn’t the only variable taken into consideration when coming up with the total price. Therefore, always probe into the “per foot” price, any costs that may not have been revealed to you, undisclosed challenges, or any incidents that may surface as a result of the trenchless repairs. However, with the sophisticated machinery used in trenchless technology, the price estimates are bound to be a minimum of $2,500 on the part of trenchless sewer repairs and $3,500 for trenchless sewer replacements. Contact Tureks Plumbing Services, and we will gladly inspect the sewer line and give you a competitive estimate for the repairs.

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Plumbing Maintenance for Fall

Wednesday, September 9th, 2020

Plumbing Maintenance for Fall

The fall season brings memories of brilliant, lush colors, and cool, comfortable temperatures. It is a period of reprieve after the intense heat of summer and before the winter’s frigid cold rolls in. However, as the leaves start to fall and the heat of the summer dissipates, homeowners everywhere should be aware of how the cold of winter will affect them. The sudden drop in temperature will wreak havoc on their plumbing, especially if they are unprepared.

Although a lot of us take it for granted, plumbing plays a crucial role in modern society. It allows us to properly dispose of waste material and keep our homes clean and sanitary. That’s why plumbing maintenance is important in the weeks leading up to the winter. The prolonged cold weather can be extremely hard on your plumbing fixtures, especially if you aren’t prepared. 

If you’ve neglected regular plumbing maintenance and didn’t address minor issues throughout the year, they will most likely be compounded in the winter months. At Turek’s Plumbing Services, we are committed to keeping your plumbing in top shape all year round. But before we look at some of the ways you can prepare your plumbing for the winter, let’s discuss what the cold does to your pipes.

How Cold Weather Causes Plumbing Problems

Winter temperatures in the U.S. usually average just above freezing at 33.2 degrees Fahrenheit, but they can hit lows of 2.6 F in places like Alaska. When the temperature dips below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, the chances of exposed pipes or poorly insulated pipes in garages, basements, and crawl spaces freezing increase exponentially. And whether it’s clean water or waste material flowing through those pipes, you definitely don’t want them to burst, especially during the winter.

A burst pipe will cause water damage, requiring thousands of dollars’ worth of repairs, and it creates the perfect environment for mold and mildew to grow. What’s more, burst pipes aren’t always conspicuous, and it may be long before you actually discover it, and this may weaken structures and possibly lead to health problems. That’s why plumbers in Appleton, Wisconsin, recommend you regularly inspect pipes you suspect are at risk of freezing, especially exposed or cracked pipes in exterior walls, attics, and basements.

If there isn’t any water coming out of the faucet or it only trickles at low pressure, one of your pipes may be frozen. Also be on the lookout for:

  • Frost, on the pipe, especially those that can be seen and the ones under the sink.
  • Strange or odd smells from a faucet or drain

If you can find the spot where a pipe is frozen, you can thaw it out by applying heat on the frozen section of the pipe. Try wrapping an electronic heating pad, heat the area with a hairdryer, or use towels soaked in hot water. However, don’t use a blowtorch, kerosene heaters, a charcoal stove, or any other open flame device as they represent a severe fire hazard. If this doesn’t work, contact a plumber in Appleton, Wisconsin. Now let’s look at some plumber approved tips on plumbing maintenance as the winter approaches.

Plumbing Maintenance Tips for the Fall

Your plumbing fixtures will be especially vulnerable as the temperature drops. Here’s what you can do:

  • For outdoor hoses, the water inside them can freeze and expand in cold temperatures. This expansion will cause them and any connected pipes in the house to freeze and break. Disconnect the water hoses, drain them of any remaining water, and store them in a dry area to prevent this.
  • Outdoor faucets that leak or drip can lead to water damage and severe plumbing issues in the winter. Make sure the faucets are fixed during the fall, and once the outdoor hoses are disconnected, cover and insulate the faucets with a Styrofoam insulation kit. 
  • If your house has an interior shut off valve that is connected to the outside faucets and plumbing, Orange County plumbers recommend shutting it off and opening the outdoor faucet valve. This will ensure that there is no remaining water in the line that could freeze during the winter.
  • Make sure you insulate any pipes in non-heated areas like the crawl space or the garage. This will prevent them from freezing. 
  • At the spot where a pipe enters your home, gaps can easily develop between the pipe and the wall over time. Cold air can enter through these gaps. Gilmore Heating & Air, a heating and cooling company in Placerville, says HVAC systems work a lot harder and even freeze the pipes. Seal any gaps you find with weather stripping, caulking, and insulation.
  • Your water heater will be working a lot harder in the winter months, so make sure you completely flush it in the fall. This will remove the sediment buildup, which blocks proper heat transfer, ensuring the water heater runs more efficiently in the winter months. 
  • Additionally, make sure your sump pump is properly cleaned and insulated. This will ensure it doesn’t freeze in the cold temperatures. Appleton plumbing maintenance professionals can help if this task is difficult for you.

Take advantage of the fall to winter-proof your plumbing. Integrating these tips into your plumbing maintenance routines will make sure your plumbing operates efficiently during the coming winter months. At Turek’s Plumbing Services, we are committed to keeping your plumbing in good shape all year round. Contact us for your bathroom renovation, pipe repair, pipelining, sewer pipe repair, and trenchless pipe repair needs in Appleton Wisconsin today.

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5 Plumbing Problems That Should Be Left to the Professionals

Wednesday, July 8th, 2020

5 Plumbing Problems That Should Be Left to the Professionals

5 plumbing problems for professionals - Turek's Plumbing

In these difficult times, you might be tempted to tackle every repair job that is needed in your home so that you can minimize the contact that your family has with non-family members. However, it isn’t always advisable to take matters in your own hands, especially when the problem has to do with the plumbing system. Here are some plumbing problems that we at Tureks Plumbing Services believe you should leave to the pros.

A Drop in Water Pressure

Seeing the water pressure in your home plummet can be extremely annoying and inconvenient. You should never rush to resolve this situation by yourself. For starters, water pressure lowers for a wide variety of reasons, and not many homeowners have the skills or tools to pinpoint the exact fault behind the loss of water pressure.

It is therefore advisable for you to contact a plumber in Appleton, Wisconsin so that he or she can get to the root of the problem and then implement the appropriate remedial measures.

No Hot Water

The water heater is a vital appliance in every home. The loss of hot water can throw your plans in disarray as you will be unable to do anything that requires hot water. These activities include running the dishwasher, taking a hot shower or even doing the laundry.

Our friends at McQuillan Bros, an HVAC and plumbing company in St. Paul say that you should never attempt to fix a water heater problem by yourself. This precaution is necessary because the water heater is intricately linked to the electrical or gas system as well as the water supply. Tinkering with such a complex system may be catastrophic, such as triggering water damage when you accidentally damage a water line. You are therefore better off contacting a plumbing company in Appleton Wisconsin so that an experienced professional can check the heater and resolve any issues preventing it from doing its work.

Pipe Leaks

Leaking pipes are another plumbing problem that should best be left to the professionals. This is because many times, where a leak manifests may not necessarily be the point at which the pipe is damaged.

Secondly, it can be hard to access the damaged section of the pipe since the affected pipe may be buried in a wall, ceiling or floor. Only the experienced hands and tools of a plumber in Appleton Wisconsin can safely and quickly ascertain the source of a pipe leak. Once the source is identified, it is easy for the plumber to disassemble the wall, floor or ceiling in order to fix the damage without causing additional damage to your property. Reassembly is also easy for plumbers since they have handled similar plumbing problems hundreds of times.

Blocked Plumbing Pipes

Many homeowners are tempted to buy a plumbing snake or a commercial drain cleaner when a pipe is blocked in their homes. While these solutions seem appropriate enough, they are fraught with a lot of risks.

For example, the harsh chemicals in the commercial drain cleaner could damage the plumbing pipes while the snake can also perforate a pipe if it isn’t used properly. 

The best course of action is to get in touch with a plumber in Appleton, Wisconsin so that the skilled professional can diagnose the problem and then use the most appropriate professional tools to resolve the blockage.

Frozen Pipes

The cold weather brings its own challenges to your hard working plumbing system. For example, frozen pipes are a common problem that we at Turek’s Plumbing Services get called to address by homeowners in Appleton Wisconsin.

When a pipe freezes, you may think that the remedy is as simple as applying heat to the frozen section of the pipe. This isn’t usually the right course of action to take, especially when the affected pipes were made from plastic.

Contact a Fox Valley plumbing company and let their skilled Appleton plumbers check the pipes and select the best remedy to resolve the problem before it escalates (the pipe could burst and spew water into your home, for example).

At Tureks Plumbing Services, we are aware that plumbing accidents can occur at any time of the day or night, and such accidents can cause a lot of damage. If you are searching for an Appleton Wisconsin plumbing company that you can trust with plumbing services, contact us and we will make sure that the plumbing system gets back quickly to its best when a defect develops. Make that call today!

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Biggest Plumbing Myths

Wednesday, July 1st, 2020

Biggest Plumbing Myths

Biggest Plumbing Myths - Tureks Plumbing Services

Your plumbing system can easily be a casualty of plumbing myths. While sometimes they work, they could also put your entire plumbing system in danger. 

When it comes to such delicate systems, it is best to work with facts. After all, it is the myths about plumbing that make it inherently harder to run a fully functioning home. The expert plumbers in Appleton, WI explain some common myths about plumbing: 

Lemon Peels Are Good For Your Garbage Disposal 

This myth is aimed at helping people keep their garbage disposals clean. Due to its work, your garbage disposal will smell and it is understandable to want to get rid of that smell. However, orange peels only mask the smell and do nothing to improve the functionality of your drain. In fact, the peels are more likely to cause damage to your blades which will lose their functionality and cause more problems along the drain. 

The best way to clean your garbage disposal drain is to use hot water, soap, and a brush. This will help remove the smell and get rid of any accumulated particles within the drain. Also, make sure to disconnect the system from the power source to avoid accidents. 

Water Draining Means Clear Draining

Just because the drain in your kitchen seems to be working doesn’t mean it is. Sometimes, we notice faults in our homes such as slow drainage or a finicky tap and apply quick fixes. 

While this saves time and money,  applying a quick fix allows the situation to get worse explains Sacramento plumbers from Gilmore Heating, Air, & Plumbing. Make sure to clean your drainage systems manually and have the plumbing checked every few months.  

A Wire Hanger is as Good as a Plumbing Snake 

Drainage problems require urgent fixing before they cause more problems in our homes. Most people tend to use a wire hanger instead of using appropriate tools such as a plumbing snake. 

The problem with using a wire hanger is that it could cause more damage than it is intended. An exposed wire could damage the pipes by scratching the interior surface. This, in turn, makes it easier for food and waste debris to attach themselves. If you have to use a wire hanger, wrap it with a piece of clothing at the end. 

Flushable Wipes are Safe to Flush 

Wet wipes are liked because they offer quick cleaning solutions and are easy to dispose of. However, not all wipes can and should be flushed. The fact that the package has a flushable tag on them only means that they won’t clog your drainage system when you flush. They, however, take longer to break down and can cause problems to the environment.

Getting the best plumber for your Home 

You are likely to encounter at least two plumbing problems in a year depending on factors such as where you live and the number of people you live with. These plumbing issues can morph into big issues if not looked at in time and by a professional. Contact Turek’s Plumbing for all your plumbing needs in Appleton Wisconsin and enjoy fast and professional services all-year-round. 

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5 Bad Habits That Could Ruin Your Bathroom Plumbing

Wednesday, June 24th, 2020

If you would like to take the preservation of the plumbing system of your home to a whole new level, you have to shine a light on your habits and drop those that are bad while maintaining those that support the service life of a plumbing system. In this blog post, we look at some of the bad habits that could ruin bathroom plumbing in your Appleton, Wisconsin home.

Taking Long, Hot Showers

What? Yes, that long, hot shower that you take to reinvigorate your body and mind after a long day at work isn’t doing the plumbing system any favors.

How does this happen? The specialists at Turek’s Plumbing Services explain that even with proper ventilation, hot showers have a knack for making moisture (or steam in this case) to access every nook, cranny and crevice in the bathroom.

As you may already know, warmth and dampness are the perfect combo for the growth of mold, so your long, hot showers are paving the way for a mold problem to fester in your bathroom.

We at Turek’s Plumbing Services know the immense benefits of taking a hot shower, so we will not recommend that you kick them to the curb. Instead, we advise that you take shorter hot showers (not exceeding 10 minutes), ensure there’s as much ventilation in the bathroom as possible, and avoid cranking up the temperature of the water too high.

Letting Hair Buildup

The reason why most plumbing clogs occur in the shower and bathroom sink is largely because of hair. If the hair falling into the bathroom drains isn’t removed periodically, it will accumulate to a level that will block the flow of water through the drain.

If the blockage isn’t fixed, you may end up with a burst pipe. Bathroom remodel professionals in Appleton, WI therefore suggests that you use a clothes hanger to extract the hair that gets into the drains so that no buildup is allowed in there. This proactive step will save you from making so many service calls to Appleton Wisconsin plumbers.

Leaving Standing Water on the Bathroom Floor

If you wouldn’t leave standing water on your kitchen floor, why would you leave it on the bathroom floor? Standing water can damage and warp bathroom flooring, and this in turn can compromise the plumbing components underneath the affected sections of the flooring.

The resultant damage caused by standing water in your bathroom is unlikely to be covered by your home insurance policy, so not only are you going to feel the pinch in your pocket, but you also risk slipping and falling as you walk on that wet floor.

At Turek’s Plumbing Services, we recommend that you buy a bigger shower mat or rug so that the problem of standing water is no more.

Neglecting Water Backups

Does water back up or flow slowly through the toilet or shower drain? Take action immediately so that you fix this problem in its early stages.

For example, if the slow drainage is due to trapped hair, remove the drain cover and use a straightened hanger with a hook at its end to extract the trapped hair.

Similarly, if you notice mineral build ups on the showerhead, Sacramento, CA plumbers suggest that you rub vinegar or shampoo on that spot. The mineral deposits will be gone and your bathroom plumbing will be free from a potential defect.

Leaving Damp Materials

Mold thrives in moist environments that have access to the light, and that is exactly what your damp towels and loofahs provide. 

If you are in the habit of using a towel and then dumping it on the floor or in the hamper, then know that you are making it easy for mold and bacteria to find a haven in your bathroom.

It is therefore advisable for you to hang up your towel to dry after using it, and place your loafers in a well-ventilated spot so that they can dry as well. Replacing the loofahs periodically is also a good practice to develop since you will protect your health and the plumbing system from being infiltrated by the microbes growing on these moist items.

At Turek’s Plumbing Services, we know it can be very difficult to break a bad habit just as it is difficult to maintain a good one. That is why we offer our services to homeowners in Appleton, Wisconsin. We use our routine service calls as an opportunity to point out any habits that seem to be compromising the plumbing system so that the needed changes can be made. Remember, our aim is to give you information to help you minimize plumbing problems so that you only call us to fix the issues that you cannot address on your own. Contact Appleton, WI plumbers today and join our growing list of happy homeowners!

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7 Signs You May Have a Water Leak

Wednesday, June 17th, 2020
Water Leaks- Turek's Plumbing

While some plumbing defects, such as a clogged toilet, can be obvious, others (like a water leak) aren’t so obvious. Knowing what to do when you have a water leak on your property is very important. Here are some surefire signs that the experienced plumbers at Turek’s Plumbing Services, the best plumbing company in Appleton, WI, recommend that you look out for.

Abnormally High Water Bills

Plumbers in Appleton, Wisconsin say water bills tend to be fairly constant on a monthly basis with just a slight variation of about ten bucks or so from one month to another. If your water bill suddenly jumps and there is nothing (like a recent house party) to explain the rise, then you may have a leak somewhere.

The Sound of Running Water

The moment you hear water running, check the faucets and spigots on your property to confirm that none of them is responsible for the sound you are hearing. Next, note down the water meter reading and avoid using any running water in or outside your property for about half an hour.

After that interval, take note of the meter reading and see if there is any variation. If the readings show that some water has been used, you may be having a leak somewhere. Perform a visual inspection of the obvious places like sinks, faucets, and other points of use.

If you can’t immediately identify the leak, call Turek’s Plumbing Services, and one of our experienced plumbers in Appleton, WI will use leak detection equipment to identify and fix the leak.

Damp or Wet Floors

Did you recently walk across a damp or wet section of carpeting and your kids swore they didn’t spill anything? If that happened and your dog didn’t have that tell-tale guilty look, then you might have a water leak that caused the spot of wetness.

Using a towel to mop up that moisture isn’t going to fix the problem. Instead, do your own investigations so that you can confirm the source of the leak. Contact Tureks Plumbing, a plumber in Appleton, WI immediately before other problems, such as mold and mildew, arise.

Foul Odors

Sometimes, a foul odor may be the first indication that you ever get of a potential water leak on your property. 

Call a plumber immediately because the most likely cause of the foul odors whose source you cannot pinpoint may be mold growing. Mold poses serious health risks, so the sooner the leak is located and fixed, the better for your family and property.

A Lush Patch on Your Lawn

There are few things that can cause small patches of grass to look more luxuriant than the rest of the lawn. One is excess fertilization of that area, and the other is overwatering that section of the grass.

If you don’t recall making any of those mistakes, then you may have a water or sewer pipe leak to contend with. The moisture and nutrients from the leak will feed the grass in that area and the result will be the lushness you see.

Wall Cracks

Over time, even the smallest of leaks can eventually cause cracks to develop in the foundation of your home explains McQuillan Bros, an HVAC and plumbing company in St. Paul. and As those foundation cracks become more pronounced, you could notice vertical or horizontal cracks in the walls of your home.

Call as soon as you observe those wall cracks because the water leak may have gone on for months or even years without detection, so the sooner our plumbers act to fix the leak, the less the damage your property will suffer.

Low Water Pressure

Our friends at Do It Right Plumbing, a plumbing company in Orange, CA, says that an unexplained drop in water pressure may indicate that there is a leak somewhere on your property. However, experienced plumbers caution that clogs and problems with the municipal water supply could trigger a drop in water pressure, so these must first be ruled out before a leak is suspected. Get professional help for this.

If you have observed one or more of the signs above on your residential or commercial property, get on the phone immediately and talk to Turek’s Plumbing Services if you live in Appleton, WI. Our plumbing specialists have extensive experience in detecting and fixing water leaks, so the problem will be resolved quickly and decisively. Contact us today!

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Reasons for Water Heater Leaks

Wednesday, May 20th, 2020

Reasons for Water Heater Leaks

Water heater leaks can cause inconveniences, can be costly, and can result in damage to your property. However, water heater leaks come with the added risk of being potentially fatal. It is important for you to know the best course of action to take for water heater leaks. Turek’s Plumbing Services shares what homeowners should do during water heater leaks.

Confirm That the Water Heater is Indeed Leaking

Don’t be quick to conclude that your water heater is leaking simply because you have seen some moisture around it. This is because the heater is surrounded by many pipes, fittings, and connections. The leak may originate from any one of those other elements.

To isolate the source of the leak, plumbing professionals in Appleton, WI recommend that you clean up the water underneath the water heater and then examine the water pipes, connections, and any other features near the water heater.

If you don’t see another puddle forming, then it is likely that the moisture you saw earlier was the result of normal condensation around the water heater. If you see another puddle form, but you are unable to identify an external source, it is likely the water heater.

Turn the Power Off

Once you confirm that your home or commercial water heater is leaking, Headwaters Construction Inc., a Sacramento commercial construction company, highly recommends that you quickly turn off the power to the water heater. You can do this in one of two ways, depending on the type of fuel that your water heater runs on.

  • Electric water heaters. Go to the circuit breaker box and switch off the breaker of the water heater.
  • Gas water heaters. Check on the water heater itself and locate the power switch. Turn this switch off.

Turn the Water Off

If there your home or commercial water heater is leaking, it is important for you to turn the water off immediately. Doing so will prevent further leakage occurs while you are fixing the problem. Another reason why the plumbers at Turek’s Plumbing Services recommend that you turn the water off is that the hot water from your heater can cause serious injuries to you while you try to fix the leak in the heater.

Locate and turn off the water from the cold water shutoff valve located at the top of the water heater. If it is risky for you to access this valve, then don’t sweat it. Just turn the water off from the main shutoff valve located outside your home so that you can be safe while fixing the leak.

Reasons for Water Heater Leaks

  1. Loose Connections or Fittings. The fittings and connections found on the cold water inlet, and hot water outlet side of the water heater can become loose and cause the water heater to leak. These fittings and connections are found at the top of the heater. The solution may be as simple as tightening those connections and fittings explains Sacramento, CA plumbing company, Gilmore Heating, Air, & Solar.  You should talk to a plumbing maintenance professional from Gilmore Heating, Air, & Solar to help!
  2. A Malfunctioning T&P Valve. A T&P valve is the temperature and pressure release valve on your water heater. This valve is one of the most important safety features on the water heater. It allows excess pressure to escape once the water heater exceeds the set temperature that the water should be heated. High temperature causes the pressure in the tank to get dangerously high, and the T&P valve steps in to restore the pressure and temperature to a safe level. This component of the water heater is very dangerous to troubleshoot if you aren’t a professional, so it is best to ask a plumber in Appleton, Wisconsin, for help.
  3. A Defective Drain Valve. The drain valve is located near the bottom of the water heater. Over time, this valve can deteriorate and start leaking. Fortunately, the drain valve is easy to replace or fix once it leaks, so buy a replacement valve if you check the current one and find it leaking at the point where it is connected to the water heater.
  4. A Leak Inside the Tank. If your efforts to pinpoint an external source of the leak are futile, then the problem may be within the heater tank itself. Corrosion is normally the cause of such a leak. The most viable remedy is to replace the water heater.

Call Turek’s Plumbing to Fix Water Heater Leaks

As a general rule, you should not attempt to fix a leaking water heater on your own if you aren’t a trained professional. Be cautious and call Tureks Plumbing Services for a water heater repair. Our trained Appleton, WI plumbers will inspect the heater and recommend the best course of action.

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Emergency Commercial Plumbing Problems

Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

commercial plumbing problems - Appleton commercial plumbing

For most commercial property managers, plumbing is one of the last things to think about. But that doesn’t mean it still isn’t an important part of the property. 

Plumbing problems are subtle and can end up being expensive. Not to mention, they can end up ruining the value of the property by causing long-term damage. The plumbing experts at Tureks Plumbing explore some of the different emergency commercial plumbing problems that can come up. The sooner you identify and handle the problem, the better. For commercial plumbing in Appleton, WI, contact us at Tureks Plumbing!

Commercial Plumbing Leaks 

Leaks are one of the more common and difficult problems to spot. You don’t generally know when a leak occurs until or unless it is major. You’ll start to notice a leak after the water seeps through the wall or onto the floors. But by then you will need some major repair work. 

To help identify leaks, you need to pay close attention to your water appliances. If you notice a drop in the pressure of the water from your faucets, this could mean that there is a leak somewhere along the pipeline. Another indicator is an unusual rise in your water bill. We recommend contacting a 24/7 emergency plumbing company right away to stop any further damage. 

Bellying and Blockage in Your Plumbing System

The blockage of the drain can be a huge problem for your overall drain system. Most people use commercial drain cleaners to help rid blockages, but they don’t solve the problem. Getting your drains cleaned by a plumbing professional is the best bet.

The backing of your drains is the best way to identify blockage. If it happens frequently, then that is the result of “bellying.” This occurs when the soil starts to shift over time. Earthquakes can also disrupt placement in pipes. This can result in dips in the pipe, which leads to backup and requires the help of a professional.

Bad Smells from Plumbing

Noticing bad smells coming from the drain itself is not a good sign. It usually means there is some sort of sewage backup or blockage that needs to be cleared out. Another reason for such smell could be the sewer vent not functioning properly. In either case, you need to consult a plumbing company in Appleton, Wisconsin, Turkeys Plumbing. You can rely on our team to provide fast and efficient residential and commercial plumbing services.

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Why You Might Have Stinky Plumbing Problems

Wednesday, March 4th, 2020

You will notice at times that your plumbing literally stinks. If your drains/sinks are reeking of an awful smell, you’ll likely need the help of a 24-hour plumber in Fox Valley. So, what’s causing this smell? Well, there are numerous reasons why you may be having this plumbing problem: 

A Breach in the Sewer Line

There are a few different reasons why your sewer line becomes breached. For example, clogs can result in pressure buildup, which causes the line to burst. With sewers being underground, tree roots can grow and spread through the line. Bad soil conditions can result in the line sinking into the ground. All of which results in line breaking and sewerage leakage.

To identify a sewage leak, you need to pay attention to your toilets and drains. You’ll know that there’s a sewage problem when there’s a clog. Placerville HVAC company and plumbing adds that there is no easy way to resolve the issue on your own, and you will have to call your Appleton plumber to come and fix it for you.

Dirty Garbage Disposal

Yes, the garbage disposal is there for you to get rid of the garbage, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need to clean it. Without proper garbage disposal maintenance, your kitchen sink will start to reek overtime. You can clean the disposal on your own as there are numerous DIY to do it, including using vinegar and baking soda. Just make sure you disconnect the disposal before you do it. 

P-trap Plumbing Problems

Sometimes plumbing problems occur in the “U” or “P” shaped part of the sink’s pipes. What typically happens is there is a small amount of water buildup. To fix this problem, you will need to cycle water through the pipes. This type of problem usually occurs when you infrequently use a toilet or sink, which results in the water in the pipe drying out. 

Buildup of Biofilm

Biofilm is the result of buildup from various products you use, such as soap, shampoo, oil, and cream. As biofilm starts to form in the drain, it attracts bacteria that feed on it. The bacteria that buildups emit an unpleasant odor. You can use a natural cleaner such as hot water, vinegar, and baking soda. You let the solution sit for about two hours and flush down hot water again, the biofilm should be removed along with the smell.

Most of these problems are not too difficult to tackle. But if you want professional plumbing help, contact the professionals. Are you looking for a plumbing company in Appleton, Wisconsin? Give Tureks Plumbing Services a call. Our plumbing experts will get your plumbing system up and running in no time! 

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