Tureks Plumbing Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘water heater tank’

Water Heater Replacement Appleton WI 

Monday, April 4th, 2022

What Are The Signs That I Need To Replace My Water Heater?

There are various apparent symptoms that your hot water heater is no longer operating effectively, ranging from leaks to a shortage of hot water. Some problems are repairable. Other issues point to the necessity for a replacement. So here are some tips on Water Heater Replacement in Appleton WI.

When Should You Replace Your Water Heater?

This post will explain when it is time to replace a water heater. In addition, it contains advice on how to take better care of your water heater.

The Lifespan of a Water Heater

If your hot water heater tank is more than ten years old, it could be time to replace it.

A water heater tank should last six to twelve years if properly maintained. A tankless water heater has a lifespan of over 20 years.

For the most up-to-date deadlines, see your water heater’s warranty.

History of Care and Maintenance

Proper maintenance is essential for the preservation and extension of the life of any water heater. You may need to repair or replace your unit sooner if you do not maintain it on a regular basis.

The tank of your water heater should be drained, flushed, and cleaned at least once a year to keep it in good working standard. If you reside in a hard water region, get your water heater serviced every six months.

Tankless water heaters require less maintenance than tank-style water heaters. Nonetheless, the hot water system should be cleaned once a year to avoid sediment accumulation caused by lime and mineral deposits. A tankless water heater may be switched off and cleansed with water and white vinegar for 60 minutes to eliminate this buildup.

Wear and Tear

Our team at Tureks Plumbing the best plumbers in Appleton WI talk about how a rising utility bill is a classic symptom of an issue with any water heater. If your unit is consuming more energy to deliver the same quantity of hot water, it’s time to inspect it.

What you should look out for:

Leaks: If your hot water heater is leaking, it needs to be replaced as soon as possible. Leaks are mainly caused by a buildup of pressure inside the tank. This occurs when the water pressure or temperature is too high or when the unit’s relief valve is faulty. Ignoring a leak might result in a tank explosion. Moisture or puddles surrounding the water heater’s base, as well as water corrosion on the tank’s side, are signs of a leak. If you detect any of these warning signals, contact a trustworthy expert right once.

Knocking Sounds: Loud noises indicate the presence of sediment accumulation. As the silt solidifies, it might migrate about the tank, causing banging, rumbling, and gurgling noises. To prolong the life of your water heater and save unnecessary wear and tear, have it cleaned on a regular basis to remove deposits from the tank’s heating components.

Rusty Water: Discolored water is an indication that your unit is underperforming.  Water with a metallic odor or rust-colored water might indicate one of several problems. Either the sacrificial anode rod has to be changed, or the tank itself is rusting, which is usually due to corrosion at the steel liner. Tanks that have deteriorated must be replaced as soon as feasible.

Murky Water: If you see cloudy water, it might be due to sediment accumulation in your water heater.

Cold Water: If your water remains cold after you switch on the hot water tap, a heating element may have failed.

When Repairs Are An Option

Water heaters may be fixed on occasion by changing a few basic components. Among the replaceable components are:

  • Assembly of a burner
  • Valves for heating elements
  • Thermostats
  • Thermocouples
  • Motor Igniters

If your water heater is less than ten years old or a replacement component is failing, you may be able to fix it.

If your water heater fails to meet the following criteria, you should consider replacing it:

  • The unit is almost ten years old.
  • It has not been adequately cared for.
  • It has the above-mentioned marks of wear.

When to replace a water heater is determined by the difficulties you’re experiencing. Some problems are repairable, but if your water heater is more than ten years old, replacing it may be the best option. You might be able to fix a water heater yourself if you have the correct water heater components and accessories.

Contact Tureks Plumbing Services for Maintenance Needs

If it’s time to repair or even replace your water heater feel free to contact our team. Tureks Plumbing services are here to help in any way

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