Tureks Plumbing Services Blog: Archive for the ‘Sewer and Drain’ Category

How to Unclog Your Shower Drain

Thursday, April 25th, 2019

how to unclog your shower drainHow to Unclog Your Shower Drain

Usually, the shower drain will start to gradually clog up. One of the first signs you may notice regarding this problem is when water starts reaching ankle-deep while you take a shower. When this happens, you may be at a loss regarding which method you should use to fix the problem. Follow the tips suggested below by the experts at Tureks Plumbing Services to learn how to unclog your shower drain.

Assemble Your Tools

Before you start, you need to gather and assemble everything that you need to complete this task. The tools you are likely to require may include screwdrivers, a straightened coat hanger or a drain claw. You may also need white vinegar, baking powder, latex gloves, and a plastic garbage bag. This plastic garbage bag will be a receptacle for the debris you retrieve from the drain. Place all these items in a bucket so that they are within easy reach while you work.

An experienced plumber in Appleton, WI also recommends that you get a plumber’s snake, a toilet plunger, a chemical drain cleaner, and pliers. Add these to your collection of tools and you should be well on your way to a clean shower drain.

Snoop Around

Get a screwdriver and use it to remove the drain strainer cover. Next, take the flashlight and shine it into the drain. Peek inside and find out whether you can see the clog blocking the shower drain. If you can see it, put on the latex gloves and use a drain claw to pull the clog out of the drain. If you don’t have a drain claw, then a straightened coat hanger with a hook made using a pair of pliers will suffice for this task.

Once the visible clog is out, run some hot water and observe whether the drain is working properly.

Time for Some Pressure

If the water is still draining slowly, a Fox Valley plumber suggests that it may be time for you to switch to the next strategy in your fight against the clog. This other measure entails using a plunger to apply some pressure within the drain pipe so that the clog can hopefully be dislodged.

Apply some petroleum jelly on the rim of the plunger so that it can form a tighter seal on the drain opening. Pump the plunger multiple times for several minutes so that pressure accumulates and pushes the clog down the drain. Run some hot water and see if the water drains swiftly.

Snake It Out

If the plunger doesn’t produce the desired outcome, switch to using a manual plumber’s snake to break up the clog. Experts at Tureks Plumbing Services suggest that you first push the snake gently into the drain until it stops moving. That is your cue that the clog has been reached. At this point, crank the handle so that the head of the plumbing snake can cut through the clog and force the fragments to move down the drain.

Once again, run hot water through the drain. Repeat using the plumber’s snake if the water is still draining slowly.

Plan a Natural Attack

You can also use natural ways to unclog your blocked shower drain. One of the best natural remedies involves the use of hot water, baking soda and vinegar. For this approach, you first pour boiling water down the drain and then pour a cup of baking soda and another of vinegar into the drain.

This mixture will react with the clog and break it up into smaller pieces. Flush more hot water down the drain and chances are the water will drain fast.

Another natural method entails adding water pressure to the power of vinegar and baking soda. For this technique, Fox Valley plumbers advise that you start by pouring a cup of baking soda and another of vinegar down the drain. After that, place a drain cover on the drain opening so that water cannot flow into the drain. Once that is done, run some hot water and leave that water to sit for about 10 minutes.

This water will create a pressure difference between the interior of the drain and the air above. After ten minutes, remove the drain cover and the onrush of water into the drain may have sufficient power to dislodge the clog and push it through the drainage system.

Launch a Chemical Attack

The last trick up your sleeve when all the measures above don’t unclog the shower drain is a chemical drain cleaner purchased from a convenience store near you. Fox Valley plumbers caution that you should follow the usage instructions provided so that you don’t put yourself or the drainage system at risk. Repeat the use of a chemical drain cleaner after a day or so until the drain is working properly.

Contact Tureks Plumbing Services if the suggestions above if you’re still having a drain problem. Our experts will perform a thorough inspection and design the most cost-effective treatment plan to unclog the shower drain so that you can enjoy your showers without fearing that the water will flow out and flood the nearby rooms.

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8 Things You Should Never Pour Down Your Drain

Thursday, January 17th, 2019

things you should never pour down your drain - Tureks Plumbing Services

8 Things You Should Never Pour Down Your Drain

Many of the problems with your plumbing system can be traced to the deceptively simple mistakes that you make each time you pour something inappropriate down the drain. Read through the following list of the things you should never pour down your drain.

Avoid Pouring Grease and Cooking Oil Down the Drain

No amount of grease or cooking is small enough to pour down the drain. Grease and cooking oil solidify inside drains and attract other particles to them. Very soon, the mass will grow into a large enough ball to cause a blockage in the plumbing. You will then start noticing that the drains will function sluggishly. The next step will be a total blockage if nothing is done to fix the situation.

Tureks Plumbing Services advises that you refrain from pouring cooking oil or grease down your kitchen sink. Instead, pour oil or scrape grease into a garbage bin for proper disposal so that you save your plumbing system from the possibility of grease or oil-induced clogs.

Avoid Pouring Pumpkin Fragments Down the Drain

It is also a bad idea to dump any part of a pumpkin into the garbage disposal or kitchen drain. This risk increases exponentially during Halloween when you and your family members carve several pumpkins.

What is so bad about getting rid of pumpkins in the garbage disposal? For starters, pumpkin fragments harden when left on any surface. Haven’t you had trouble cleaning your carving knives after leaving them for a while in the aftermath of cutting pumpkins? Fox Valley plumbers caution that the pumpkin fragments can harden within the drain or garbage disposal and cause problems for the system. Instead, pour those fragments in the trash so that you spare the plumbing system from the eventual problems likely to be triggered when they harden inside the pipes.

Avoid Pouring Fibrous Food Items Down the Drain

While it is recommended that you consume as much fiber in your diet as possible, the same can’t be said for your home’s plumbing system. Fibrous foods, such as celery stalks should not be dumped in the garbage disposal. Those fibers will stick on the disposal blades or form clumps within the drainage pipes. Either possibility isn’t good for the health of the plumbing system and should be avoided by placing those foods in the garbage bin.

Avoid Pouring Rice and Pasta Down the Drain

Another thing you should never pour down your drain is rice and pasta. These items have a lot of starch in them. So they can congeal into a paste-like substance that will stick on the walls of the drainage pipes. Additionally, other solids flowing through the system will attach themselves to this starchy glue and cause a major clog to develop. Talk to a plumber in Appleton, WI, in case you have been disposing of these food items in the garbage disposal. The plumber will inspect the pipes and clean those drains so that any accumulations are removed before they cause a blockage.

Avoid Pouring Bones Down the Drain

The garbage disposal can easily crush different kinds of bones that you dump inside it, right? Wrong. The garbage disposal isn’t a crusher or any such heavy-duty machine. Making it break down hard bones will not only cause massive tear and wear, but also cause major problems to your system.

Err on the side of caution by dumping all bones, except tiny fish bones, into the trash can in your kitchen. This will prolong the service life of the garbage disposal and also safeguard the plumbing system from the harmful effects of any bones that may escape the blades of the garbage disposal.

Avoid Pouring Raw Meat Down the Drain

Raw meat (or trimmings) is also one of the things you should never pour down your drain. Experienced plumbers in Fox Valley say that the meat utilizes all the oxygen within the drainage system as it decomposes. Consequently, there will be no oxygen left for the beneficial bacteria that break down the wastes flushed down the plumbing. Over time, the wastes will accumulate in the septic tank and overflow into the drain field. It is, therefore, better to refrain from triggering this unfortunate chain of events if you want to avoid costly plumbing system repairs.

Avoid Pouring Flour Down the Drain

Flour has a lot of starch, so it should not be poured down the drain. When starch absorbs water, it forms some kind of glue that will bind any particles it comes in contact with into a tight ball. This ball of debris will grow larger until it partially or wholly blocks the drainage pipe. Tureks Plumbing Services recommends that you dispose of unwanted flour in the trash can so that it doesn’t cause plumbing system problems.

Avoid Pouring Coffee Grounds Down the Drain

Can you honestly claim that you have never poured coffee grounds down the drain in your kitchen? Most people have done so because they aren’t aware of the long-term harmful effects of that habit. Now that you know, refrain from pouring those spent grounds in the garbage disposal. They will accumulate in the drains and eventually cause a clog. A far better use of the coffee grounds is to scatter them in your garden or place them in your compost pile so that your plants can benefit from their rich nutrients.

The list of the things you should never pour down your drain is longer than what has been covered in the discussion above. Ask Tureks Plumbing Services professionals for specific questions regarding your plumbing system. Our plumbers will be more than glad to address your concerns, and we are waiting for your call if you ever have any plumbing system problem and need help resolving it.

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Why Flushable Wipes Will Clog Your Drains

Wednesday, January 9th, 2019

why flushable wipes will clog your drains

Why Flushable Wipes Will Clog Your Drains

Many manufacturers of wet wipes claim that their products can be flushed down the toilet, but the experience of many homeowners shows that plumbing problems result when these wipes are routinely flushed. This article seeks to answer the question “Are flushable wipes safe to flush?”

How Does Flushing Wet Wipes Compare to Flushing Toilet Paper?

Tureks Plumbing Services reveals that in different tests conducted, toilet paper was found to disintegrate within 8 seconds after being flushed down the toilet. However, wet wipes hardly disintegrated more than a minute after being flushed.

This inability to breakdown quickly makes wet wipes a risky product to flush down your toilet because the wipes eventually accumulate and cause a clog in the system.

Why Would Manufacturers Claim That Wet Wipes Are Flushable?

Two possible reasons could explain why some manufacturers claim that the wet wipes they make are flushable. The first reason is that due to competition, some manufacturers may choose to be “economical with the truth” (mislead buyers) by asserting that you can flush their products down the toilet. Saying otherwise would mean that the product wouldn’t be popular among buyers since no one wants to do extra work to dispose of the wet wipes in the garbage when flushing them is an easier option.

Secondly, the protocol that some manufacturers use to test whether a wet wipe is flushable or not isn’t as rigorous as what plumbers would want. For example, the manufacturer may design a computer simulation model to generate data on how quickly the wipe will breakdown. At the same time, the manufacturer may just test whether the wet wipe will go down the drain. So if it does, then it has passed the test of being flushable. Consequently, many wipes pass the “flushability test” without being flushable in the true sense of the word.

How do Wet Wipes Cause Clogs?

As already mentioned, wet wipes don’t break down as quickly as toilet paper does. Consequently, these solid materials will flow down the drains and slow down as they move further in the system. Fox Valley plumbers say that problems arise as these wet wipes approach the entrance to the septic tank. This is because the entry points are small. So, the wipes stand a high chance of building up there and causing a blockage.

Matters are worsen based on the condition of your pipes. For example, some metallic pipes are so degraded that the wipes can snag on their interior surfaces. This triggers a domino effect of other materials piling up behind the wet wipe until a clog forms. The big ball of solids will be costly to trace and remove.

Experienced plumbers at Tureks Plumbing Services explain that the condition of the pipes may be the reason why one home will develop a major clog months later while another home will take longer to suffer the consequences of flushing wet wipes down the toilet.

Why Professional Drain Cleaning Is Important

You can never be sure that wet wipes or other unsuitable materials (feminine hygiene products, for example) have never been flushed down the toilet. The effects of such actions don’t usually show immediately. So, Tureks Plumbing Services advises homeowners to be proactive and have the drains cleaned professionally at least once every three years.

This professional drain cleaning does a more thorough job than the chemical cleaners that some people pour down drains. For example, the chemical cleaners can damage some plumbing pipe materials. Plumbers select the most appropriate technique, such as water-jetting, to clean out the plumbing drains so that they are clear.

Now you have a comprehensive response to the question “Are flushable wipes safe to flush?” In case you still have other concerns, just reach out to Tureks Plumbing Services or any Fox Valley plumber. You will get the help you need to make the right choices regarding what to flush or not flush.

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Plumbing Resolutions for the New Year

Wednesday, December 26th, 2018

Plumbing Resolutions for the New Year

Plumbing Resolutions for the New Year

Research has it that approximately 45 percent of all people make resolutions at the start of each year. However, only a paltry 8 percent of those people actually implement those resolutions. Our team Tureks Plumbing Services would like you to consider the following plumbing resolutions for the New Year so you can save on your plumbing bill in 2019!

Be More Considerate of Your Garbage Disposal

The garbage disposal is one of the unsung heroes of your plumbing system. However, many homeowners ignore this appliance until something malfunctions. Let next year be a different year for the garbage disposal in your home. Resolve to treat it better by being more mindful about what you deposit inside the disposal. For example, don’t place large chunks of debris inside the disposal just because it has blades that can cut that debris into tiny pieces. Instead, cut the debris into smaller pieces so that the garbage disposal doesn’t overwork.

Such consideration will reduce the wear and tear on your disposal. Defects will also be fewer, so you will have a reduced need to call Tureks Plumbing Services to fix a disposal malfunction.

Fix Defects Promptly

The second of the plumbing resolutions for the New Year entails taking prompt action as soon as a defect is detected in the plumbing system. You see, plumbing defects differ in intensity/seriousness. For example, a minor leak may develop at the kitchen faucet, or the main water pipe into your home may burst and start gushing water into your yard. These two leaks elicit different degrees of urgency among homeowners.

However, that minor leak that you delay to fix can result in additional problems. For example, the slow leak can inflate your monthly water bill. Secondly, the moist conditions created by the leak can promote the growth of mold and mildew (with their attendant health risks).

It is therefore wise for you to contact a plumber in Appleton, WI, each time you detect any defect in the plumbing system. The New Year will then have fewer plumbing emergencies if you act quickly each time a defect is noticed.

Conserve Water

You should also resolve to conserve water more in the New Year. This can be attained in several ways, such as upgrading to water-efficient toilets and showerheads. In fact, even fixing defects promptly can help you to conserve water since the wastage resulting from plumbing defects will be avoided.

Consult a Fox Valley plumber in case you want to implement more comprehensive changes in your home in order to make the plumbing system more efficient. The professional will inspect your home and suggest the most cost-effective ways to conserve water in your home.

Give Your Water Heater More Attention

The water heater in your home is an important appliance from a comfort point of view and from the aspect of energy-efficiency. For example, a sudden malfunction can deny your family members hot water to take a shower in the middle of winter. Such an inconvenience can be hard to bypass during such weather.

It is therefore vital that you resolve to give your water heater more attention this coming year (and beyond) so that it can continue to give you the reliable service that you have come to expect. Check the anode frequently and replace it when it is eroded. Flush the tank regularly so that sediment doesn’t accumulate and spring a leak. You can also ask a Fox Valley plumber to check that water heater so that the defects you weren’t aware of as a layperson are fixed before they worsen and compromise the functioning of the appliance.

Keep Pipes Warm

Your plumbing resolutions for the New Year may not be complete if you haven’t thought about how to winterize the plumbing system. Make a conscious decision to keep the water pipes warm during the cold months of the year so that you can forestall those pipes from bursting after freezing.

It is especially important to keep the pipes outdoors and those where no air conditioning exists (attic and basement, for example) warm by wrapping them in insulation. This insulation is affordable and can be bought in rolls at plumbing or hardware stores. Ask one of our experts at Tureks Plumbing Services for recommendations in case you aren’t sure of which particular product to buy and use.

Have Regular Inspections Done

Resolve to start being more proactive rather than reactive when it comes to addressing plumbing system issues. Don’t wait for a problem to occur before you pay some attention to the plumbing system. Instead, ask an experienced plumber in Appleton, WI, to inspect the entire system at least once each year so that defects can be caught early. Such proactive measures will reduce your expenditure on plumbing repairs, and the system will break down less frequently.

Tureks Plumbing Services is available round the clock throughout the year. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help in implementing any of the plumbing resolutions for the New Year covered in the discussion above. We shall do everything possible to keep your plumbing system working without a hitch.

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How to Keep Mold From Coming Back

Thursday, November 29th, 2018

how to keep mold from coming back

How to Keep Mold From Coming Back

It doesn’t matter where you live, mold will follow you anywhere that accumulates moisture. Your bathroom, for instance, is a perfect environment for mold to grow. After you take a bath or shower, water is left on the walls and tile. You may try cleaning it up, but it keeps on coming back. So what should you do? Well, mold can cause major damage to your walls, ceilings, floors, countertops, etc., which can leave you no other choice but to remodel. Regardless of where it is, it’s neither safe or healthy. It’s important to get rid of mold as soon as you notice it. In this article, plumbing experts at Tureks Plumbing Services explain how to get rid of the mold in your home for good.

What is Mold?

When battling mold in your home, it’s important to have a basic understanding of what it really is. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is a type of fungi that can be found indoors and outdoors. Fungi are known for being able to survive very harsh surroundings, which is why it is a common household problem. Once the species has found an optimal environment, such as water damage from leaky pipes, it will multiply and continue to grow. Many people have mold allergies and will experience asthma symptoms. To keep you and your family safe from developing respiratory illnesses, it is important to eliminate the moisture in that environment so the fungi can no longer survive.

How to Prevent Mold From Growing in Your Home

Since we know exactly what mold is and what it’s capable of doing, there are a few simple tips you can follow to keep it from spreading throughout your home. Since mold can be commonly found in bathrooms, it’s easiest if you start in there. Try the suggestions below to prevent mold in your bathroom and other areas in your home.

Use a Ventilation Fan or Buy a Fan

Where there’s moisture, there’s mold. The best way to eliminate moisture is to make the area dry again. Many bathrooms have ventilation fans that vent to the outside to help get rid of the accessive moisture. If you don’t have a ventilation fan you can always purchase a regular fan to dry the space. Run your fan for at least a half an hour after your shower.

Squeegee Please

We’ve all gone without squeegeeing our shower or bath. We get it, it’s a boring and annoying task but if you take a few minutes to do it, you will reduce the moisture in the bathroom by ¾. It’s definitely worth it!

Fix The Leaks

Leaks cause moisture to accumulate and over time mold will grow. If you want your house to be mold-free, you need to fix the leaks right away. Contact your local plumber in Appleton, WI and they will gladly fix your leaks and any other plumbing problems you may have.

Keep Your Bathroom Clean and Dry

A clean bathroom makes it harder for mold to survive. If you clean your bathroom and wash used towels and rugs weekly, your bathroom will stay nice and clean – fungi hate that. The cleaner the better! While you’re cleaning your bathroom. Remove loofahs, sponges and other products from the shower so they can dry.

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What Causes Water Pressure to Decrease?

Wednesday, November 21st, 2018

what causes water pressure to decrease

What Causes Water Pressure to Decrease?

Low water pressure can be frustrating as it has an effect on your daily life. From use in the kitchen to the shower, low water pressure can make a task as simple as washing the dishes a nightmare.

So what causes water pressure to decrease? We have 6 common reasons why most homes face water pressure issues.

Water pressure issue #1: Issue with the water valve

Two valves control most homes water flow. If you face water pressure issues, you want to check these valves first. They are usually near the water meter. The valve that is positioned on the street side is the city’s, you may not have access to this since it belongs to the city. The other valve, which is on the side of your home, controls the water in your home.

You want to make sure both the valves are completely open. They control the water flow into your home so if it is not completely open then chances are you will have low water pressure. When operating the valve, you need to be gentle with it. Don’t apply too much force, which can cause damage.

If access to the city valve is cut off then you can contact the city office and see if they can send someone down to open it for you.

Water pressure issue #2: Fault in the fixtures

The faucets and showers in your home are used daily. With time they start to wear and tear. Faulty fixtures are one of the most common reasons for low water pressure. Once they get old the fixtures easy clog up with limestone, dirt, and even rust. All of which results in lower water pressure.

The best way to test whether it is a certain fixture is to run water through it at the same time with another. If you notice a difference in the pressure of the two then you know that one is faulty. Before running the test, just be sure to clean the aerator of the fixture so no dirt is stuck in it, which also results in lower pressure. When you’ve determined a fixture to be faulty, you can clean it out to clearing out the clog or have it replaced.

Water pressure issue #3: A damaged pressure regulator

The pressure regulator does exactly as it names states, it regulates water pressure in the plumbing. It is important that the regulator stays in shape otherwise you will either get no pressure or too much of it.

Fixing a regular isn’t hard; you just need to replace it. You can do it on your own or seek help from an Appleton plumber.

Water pressure issue #4: Clog in the water pipes

If your fixtures and valve have been cleared after inspection then the reason behind low water pressure could be clogged pipes. Clogged pipes aren’t easy to deal with and is better if left to a professional. You can consult a plumber to help figure out how the clog can be resolved. This can only be done after they inspect the pipes and determine where the clog is.

Water pressure issue #5: Plumbing problem

Corrosion in the plumbing can happen in older homes. If you are having trouble diagnosing the problem then chances are the plumbing is corroded. This may require a complete overhaul of the plumbing, which is obviously a project you cannot take up on your own. An Appleton plumber can help you with the project they can assess the corrosion and determine what the proper step maybe.

Water pressure issue #6: Main supply line has issues

If your home has been cleared from the above issues then chances are there is an issue with the main supply line. The line doesn’t supply your home with enough water, which has resulted in lower pressure. A plumber in Appleton, WI can help you assess this problem and help you take the right step to have it resolved.

There are numerous different factors that cause water pressure to decrease The hard part for most homeowners may just be identifying what the problem is. Before you take any drastic steps on your own be sure to get an expert to help out with the assessment and tell you the right course of action to take. Otherwise, you may end up causing more problems.

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Tips For a Clean Garbage Disposal

Thursday, November 15th, 2018

Tips For a Clean Garbage Disposal

Five Simple Tips For a Clean Garbage Disposal

The garbage disposal is one of the most underrated home appliances in the kitchen. Not only does it allow you to get rid of food scrap, but it also does so in an efficient manner. As helpful as it is, it can also become a headache if you don’t take proper care of it. Our drain experts at Tureks Plumbing Services has 5 tips for you that will help keep your garbage disposal clean.

1. Cleaning the disposal

Cleaning a garbage disposal is fairly easy, which is why it’s puzzling why people don’t do it. You don’t have to do it every day, even once a week will work. The best part is, it barely requires any effort or time. All you have to do is grab a few ice cubes from your freezer, drop them in the disposal, and turn it on. By a few, we don’t mean fill up the disposal with ice cubes but throw in around 6-7 cubes, more if your disposal is bigger. You want to leave the disposal on until you can no longer hear the ice grinding.

The ice works its charm in cleaning the disposal of grease left behind from the food. The ice congeals any grease present and then the disposal easily breaks it up.

2. Deodorizing the disposal

The disposal is constantly exposed to food scraps and what not. In due time it will start to smell, stinking up the sink area. You should deodorize immediately after cleaning it. Deodorizing is as easy as cleaning it. You can take either lemon or orange peels and slowly grind them in the disposal. If you would rather not use peels, you can also pour lemon juice in the disposal. This refreshes it with a citrus smell and also helps fight grease build up inside.

3. Unclog the disposal

There will come a time when you end up disposing of something that you shouldn’t have and the disposal clogs. Before you call in the professionals, you can save a few bucks and try to fix it on your own. You want to start off by unplugging the disposal. If you don’t know how to do that, just shut the breaker to the disposal off, you don’t want an accident by taking any risk with it.

Next, you need to grab a broom and put the handle side inside the disposal. You will find an impeller, push against it until the chamber turns. If you can dislodge the item or just reach in and grab it. If you have any trouble, don’t panic. You can call a Fox Valley plumbing company to come and unclog the disposal.

4. Fighting Tough Grease

If cleaning the disposal with ice cubes and lemon/orange peel isn’t enough to get rid of the grease then you can try flushing it with cold water. Most people make the assumption that hot water would work better, but it doesn’t. The cold water will solidify the grease making it easier to flush. Rather than flushing it down the pipe, which can mean it gets stuck in the pipe, you can flush it into a can and dispose of it.

5. Maintaining the disposal

One simple trick to maintain the disposal so it doesn’t grease or clog is to let the water run through it after you’ve used it. This ensures that no food particle or grease sticks around to cause any problems later on. Whatever you do, do not use any corrosive chemicals like drain cleaners in the disposal cause these cause more harm than good.

Maintaining and keeping your garbage disposal installation clean is important for it to function well. The methods listed in our tips barely take any time so you should easily be able to do it once a week. Otherwise, you may end up damaging it and having to pay quite a lot for repairs and proper cleaning from an expert.

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How to Keep Your Bathtub From Clogging

Wednesday, November 14th, 2018

How to keep your bathtub from clogging

Help! How Can I Prevent My Bathtub From Clogging?

You come home from a long day of work. All you’ve been thinking about on your drive back is getting into a nice, hot, steamy shower to help you relax. You step into the bathtub, rinse your body with water, lather the soap up and everything only to notice the water not going down the drain. What was supposed to be a relaxing shower turns into a nightmare.

Bathtub clogs can ruin the best of showers or bath. You don’t need to worry though; Tureks Plumbing Services has 4 tips that will help you keep your bathtub from clogging.

Drain covers were made for a reason

The drain cover is one of the simplest methods to help prevent drain clogs. It isn’t easy preventing hair from going down the drain as it usually falls while you shower. Hair is probably one of the biggest factors for bathtub clogs. A drain cover helps keep hair from going down the drain. It’s also an inexpensive solution since you can easily buy one at your local home store.

There are a wide variety of drain covers available, made from different materials. The most popular materials are stainless steel and silicone. After you get a cover, be sure to clean your drain cover once in a while because scum will build up.

Use a clog remover once every two months

Clog removers aren’t only helpful when you have a clogged bath or shower but can also prevent it from happening. It makes sure that the drain is free and breaks up any minor clogs that may be forming. Just purchase a reliable, top quality clog remover. Those that use too many corrosive ingredients may end up damaging your pipes in the long run.

If you are looking for a cheap drain solution then vinegar can help. White vinegar has chemicals in it that help break down build up. So you can pour around 15-20 oz. of it down the drain and let it work its magic for about 10 minutes. Then flush the vinegar along with the buildup with hot water.

Baking soda also gets the job done. It also doesn’t have a pungent smell like vinegar. Just grab a handful of baking soda and throw it down the drain. Get boiling hot water and pour it in after. This will clear the drain and eliminate any odor from it.

Let the water flow

A simple way to prevent clog is to let the water run for a few minutes after you are finished with your bath or shower. Just after you step out, turn the hot water on and let it flow through the drain for about a minute or two. The hot water helps flush any small build up in the pipes.

Avoid showering after putting on body oil

Grease is a known enemy of pipes. Grease easily sticks and causes clogged drains. A lot of people like to shower after putting body oil on this is a big no. It is better for you and the drain if you use the body oil after you shower and let your body soak it in rather than your drain pipes. If there is residue from the oil then that can easily be wiped off with a towel.

Maintaining a clean drain is important. If proper maintenance is not done then it can end you costing a lot. If you have tried the above tips but still have troubles with a clogged bathtub then it is time you give the professionals at Fox Valley Plumbing Company a call. They can help sort any drain issues you may have, leaving you with a free flowing bath.

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A Professional Bathroom Plumbing Service

Wednesday, October 17th, 2018

a professional bathroom plumbing service

What You’ll Get When You Invest In A Professional Bathroom Plumbing Service

To have a fully usable and sanitary bathroom, you need to have a functional plumbing system.  So, if your bathroom has a clogged toilet or drain, slow-draining tub, or low water pressure, all the activities taking place in this room will be affected or hampered.

Although it may be tempting to attempt a DIY job when it comes to repairing or maintaining your bathroom plumbing to save a few bucks, you have to know that all these tasks are best left to the experts.

Professional bathroom plumbing service providers understand the intricate details of bathroom plumbing and have the skills, knowledge, tools, and equipment to deal with any kind of issue that will cause this room to be unusable.

Hiring the Services of Turek’s Plumbing

Turek’s Plumbing, a trusted plumbing company in Wisconsin, offers a variety of bathroom repair and maintenance services that will ensure you and your family can use this room comfortably. These include:

  • Repair and unclogging of toilets
  • Improvement of low water pressure
  • Repair of leaking faucets
  • Repair of water and drain line leaks
  • Installation and repair of water heaters
  • Bathroom design and remodeling

Whether you hire the pros of Turek’s Plumbing for repair, maintenance, or installation, you will enjoy these benefits:

  • High-quality bathroom fixtures and piping equipment
  • Better comfort and hygiene
  • Improved electricity and water savings
  • Increased value of your home

Highly skilled and state licensed plumbing technicians

They are fully trained in using different plumbing detection and repair equipment and strategies. They also have full knowledge of all local and state codes. In addition, our plumbing technicians complete state-certified continuing education classes annually. They attend in-house weekly training classes as well to ensure they are up-to-date with all current, relevant codes and technical changes in the industry.

Friendly and professional staff

All our employees are accommodating and respectful. Additionally, we provide honest ethical service that will exceed your expectations at any time of the day or night. The company provides upfront and transparent pricing and warranties on labor and parts as well.

Expertise in providing customized services

Our plumbing technicians are trained to assess each situation carefully to produce the most effective results for your unique plumbing requirements.

Sufficient coverage

 Aside from being a state-registered and licensed company, Turek’s Plumbing is also fully insured. As such, all customers are protected in case any damage occurs while our technicians are working on your property.

When you hire a professional plumber in Appleton, WI to handle a simple or complex repair, installation, or maintenance work in your bathroom, you will always get your money’s worth. You will always have a better, fully functional bathroom when they complete their work.

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6 Signs You May Have a Problem With Your Main Sewer Line

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2018

6 Signs You May Have a Problem With Your Main Sewer Line

Your property’s plumbing system goes beyond the visible pipes to the main sewer line connecting them. Today, plumbing problems are among the worst issues you would want to deal with as a homeowner because these may involve a hefty amount of your time and money. Often, this involves your main sewer line, resulting in busted pipes and flooded bathrooms.

But determining if the plumbing problem has something to do with your sewer line is not an easy task. Often, problems go unnoticed without professional help. A damaged main sewer line, for instance, is a huge problem that can become too expensive when not addressed immediately.
To help you, Turek’s Plumbing shares six signs you may have a problem with your main sewer line.

1. Nasty odors

A problem-free sewer line is airtight. So if you smell nasty odors coming out from the pipes, this means that there is a leakage in your main sewer line.

2. Sewage backup

Sewage backups are common. However, if this happens each time you flush the toilet, you may have a problem with your sewer line.
Remember that all drains rely on the main sewer line in order to drain properly. So if you notice blockages in your drains, this is a sure-fire sign of a damaged sewer line.

3. Slow Drains

One of the common plumbing issues homeowners encounter is a slow drain. Usually, this can easily be dealt with by drain cleaning or a plunger. But if these efforts don’t work anymore, the issue may already involve your main sewer line.

4. Sewage in your yard

Once your sewer line gets clogged, your home’s wastewater might not make it to the sewer. Instead, it gets out from the sewer clean-out, which then pours sewage into your yard.
A good indication that sewage is leaking out in your yard is when your lawn looks more lush than usual; that’s because sewage is an excellent fertilizer.

5. Mold

Mold is caused by several issues, including a damaged main sewer line. Even a small crack in the line will result in water leaks inside your home, leading to mold growth. Deal with mold immediately because this is detrimental to your health.

6. Foundation issues

Other signs of a damaged main sewer line include foundation issues like foundation settlement, cracks in the foundation slab, and sinkholes. These problems are often caused by leaks that are left unaddressed for a long period of time.
Plumbing problems can disrupt your daily routine. When dealing with these problems, a reputable Fox Valley plumbing company highly recommends calling plumbing experts, regardless of how mild or severe they are. This is the only way to make sure that the problem is fixed properly.

Don’t wait for your main sewer line to be damaged! The moment you notice a plumbing problem inside or outside your home, immediately call a professional Appleton plumber.

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