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Tureks Plumbing Services Blog

How Long Does a Water Heater Last?

The average lifespan for a water heater can vary based on whether it is gas or electric and how well you keep up with maintenance. We are highlighting some of the signs that can indicate it’s time for a water heater replacement in your home.

You can keep reading to learn more about the expected lifespan of a water heater and how to know when it’s time to invest in a new one. Then, you can give our team a call to schedule your water heater replacement in Neenah. Our team can go over all of your different water heater options with you so that you can make a smart choice that saves you money and elevates your home comfort.

Water Heater Lifespan

Water heater lifespans can vary whether you have a gas or electric model. Electric water heaters have a slightly longer expected lifespan of between 10 and 15 years. A gas water heater won’t last quite as long, with an average expected lifespan of 8 to 12 years. 

Factors that Impact Lifespan

One of the biggest factors that can shorten your water heater’s lifespan is the presence of hard water. If the water source leading into your home has high mineral content, your water heater may be more likely to have a shorter lifespan. This is because the minerals in hard water are very abrasive and can wear down the lining inside of your water heater, making it more likely to corrode.

You can extend your water heater’s lifespan by doing a couple of simple things. First, as a homeowner, you can pay attention to how your water heater operates. If you notice any significant changes, you can give our team a call for service to stay ahead of any problems.

Even if your water heater is operating just fine, it’s important to schedule annual maintenance so that our team can look over your water heater and make sure everything is working the way it should. We can often catch problems early on and address them before they become major issues.

If you do have hard water, we can flush out the tank once each year to eliminate mineral buildup and give you a fresh start. This is a great way to limit the damage that hard water can do to the inside of your water heater. Of course, the only way to eliminate hard water completely is to install a whole-house water softener that filters out these minerals before water ever makes it into your plumbing lines.

Signs of Water Heater Issues

Aside from age, you can monitor your water heater for some common signs that indicate it’s time for a replacement. Examples of red flags to pay attention to you include:

  • Changes in hot water pressure
  • Water not being hot as it once was
  • Fluctuations between water being hot and cold during usage
  • Unusual sounds coming from the water heater
  • Hot water that has an orange tinge to it

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