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7 Things to Consider Before You Remodel Your Bathroom

things to consider for bathroom remodel

Things to Consider Before a Bathroom Remodel

A bathroom may be one of the smaller spaces in your home, but a lot of thought needs to go into the process of remodeling this room if you are to benefit from the time and effort invested. Here are some of the top considerations which you need to have in mind if you are to turn this space into your dream bathroom.

Plumbing is Key

Plumbers at Tureks Plumbing Services caution that you may never get to enjoy your remodeled bathroom if the plumbing isn’t working properly. In this regard, Fox Valley plumbers suggest that you think about the hair and gunk which finds its way into the bathroom drain on a daily basis. These substances are the primary reason why bathroom drains clog, so you should use the remodel as an opportunity to find a lasting solution to this problem.

One step that you can take is to install a larger drain pipe, such as a 2-inch pipe instead of the commonly used 1.5-inch pipes. This single change alone will significantly reduce the likelihood of clogs developing since the pipe will be large enough to allow hair and other small solids to flow through.

Floor Tiles

If you are considering using tiles on the floor of the shower area, pay attention to their size. Larger tiles are difficult to slope appropriately. Secondly, larger tiles pose a safety risk because they tend to be more slippery since the grout lines are widely spaced. Tureks Plumbing Services, therefore, recommends that you opt for smaller tiles so that you don’t have a hard time getting them to slope at the angle you want for proper drainage.

Drawer Storage

Opt for a vanity with drawers instead of one with doors. You will find it easier to organize the storage if it has drawers when compared to keeping the vanity storage organized if it has doors. Additionally, drawers can be cut to create room for plumbing pipes and fixtures. You can also have larger drawers made for the storage of larger items.

Wall-Hung Toilet

Another idea you can incorporate during your bathroom remodel is the inclusion of a wall-hung toilet. In the past, these toilets were very expensive and therefore a preserve of those with deep pockets. Today, wall-hung toilets are affordable and within reach for any homeowner. Why would you even add a wall-hung toilet to your bathroom? This type of toilet is ideal for smaller bathrooms because their footprint is smaller since the toilet tank is hidden away in the bathroom wall. However, you should be mindful of the fact that you will need to adjust the plumbing should you ever decide to switch to another type of toilet in the future.

The Medicine Cabinet

Consider installing a recessed medicine cabinet if you can. Such a cabinet will leave more room free above the vanity. If you cannot have a recessed medicine cabinet, then elevate it as much as you can so that the countertop on the vanity can be used conveniently.

Lighting is Vital

Fox Valley plumbers emphasize that careful planning should be invested in the lighting of a bathroom during a remodel so that all the other work done isn’t downplayed by improper lighting. First, ask yourself what you plan to do in the bathroom. Will you be applying your makeup from there? Place bright light in strategic locations so that you can see clearly when using the mirror. Install a dimmer switch which you can use to control the brightness of the light when you wish to adjust the atmosphere in the bathroom. Recessed lights would also be a good addition to keep the bathroom well lit.

You can be sure that the bathroom remodel will stand the test of time if you include many of the considerations above as you plan that remodel. For all your plumbing needs during the bathroom remodel, contact Tureks Plumbing Services. Our experienced professionals are at your service.

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