Tureks Plumbing Services Blog: Archive for the ‘Plumbing Pipes’ Category

6 Winter Plumbing Tips That Will Save You Money

Friday, December 28th, 2018

winter plumbing tips that will save you moeny

6 Winter Plumbing Tips That Will Save You Money

The plumbing system undergoes a lot of stress during the winter. It’s imperative that you do everything possible to protect your plumbing system from developing costly defects during this time of the year. This article discusses some of the winter plumbing tips that will save you money. 

Turn the Exterior Water Valves Off

The water pipes outside your home have the highest chance of freezing since they are exposed to the elements. It is therefore advisable for you to wrap them in insulation and also turn the water off. Additionally, experts at Tureks Plumbing Services recommend that you leave the outdoor faucets to drip slowly so that the likelihood that the pipes will freeze is reduced.

Locate the Main Shutoff Valve

Another of the important winter plumbing tips is that you need to know where the main shutoff valve of your plumbing system is located. This information will help you to take swift action to turn the water supply off in case a plumbing emergency, such as a pipe burst, occurs. Otherwise, searching for the main valve as water is gushing all over your house can result in serious water damage that will be expensive to fix. Fox Valley plumbers also recommend that you open and close this valve at least once each year to keep it working properly.

Be Careful When Conserving Energy During the Winter

Many homeowners tend to lower the thermostat setting on the HVAC system as they leave home in order to conserve energy. However, you need to be mindful that you can end up being penny wise but pound foolish while trying to save a few dollars on your energy bill without thinking about the broader implications of that decision. In other words, turning the temperature too low can create an opportunity for a plumbing pipe to freeze and trigger water damage that will cost you thousands of dollars to fix. An experienced plumber in Appleton, WI, recommends that you play it safe and avoid lowering the temperature to less than 45°F so that you conserve energy but protect water pipes from freezing while you are away.

Check the Outdoor Drainage

Your lawn will receive huge amounts of snow and rain during the winter, so make sure the drainage works. Start by checking the gutters and downspouts for any debris that may prevent snow and water from draining away. Clear the yard too so that nothing prevents runoff water from leaving your property.

Take Extra Care of the Kitchen Plumbing

Winter also coincides with the holidays, so the kitchen plumbing is under excessive stress during this time. The kitchen drains, and garbage disposal needs proper care to continue functioning.

For example, Tureks Plumbing Services recommends that you wait for all oils and fats to solidify in your cooking pots instead of pouring them down the drain. Rather, scrape them off the containers and into the garbage bin for disposal. This will save the drains from clogging up due to the effects of those fats.

Similarly, use the garbage disposal carefully. Always start the disposal before you pour food debris into it, then run water through the disposal so that the drains are cleared. This will prevent the disposal from clogging up.

Make the Right Hiring Decisions

Your plumbing system will function based on how well the system was taken care of prior. This begins with hiring the most qualified and experienced professionals, such as those from Tureks Plumbing Services, to service and repair the system. Such professionals will be licensed and insured, and you will receive a written statement detailing each repair that needs to be done each time something breaks.

The winter plumbing tips shared in the discussion may not cover all the basics that you need to look into. However, they will go a long way towards reducing the likelihood of problems in your plumbing system. Work closely with your Fox Valley plumber so that you can receive all the information and technical assistance.

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Plumbing Resolutions for the New Year

Wednesday, December 26th, 2018

Plumbing Resolutions for the New Year

Plumbing Resolutions for the New Year

Research has it that approximately 45 percent of all people make resolutions at the start of each year. However, only a paltry 8 percent of those people actually implement those resolutions. Our team Tureks Plumbing Services would like you to consider the following plumbing resolutions for the New Year so you can save on your plumbing bill in 2019!

Be More Considerate of Your Garbage Disposal

The garbage disposal is one of the unsung heroes of your plumbing system. However, many homeowners ignore this appliance until something malfunctions. Let next year be a different year for the garbage disposal in your home. Resolve to treat it better by being more mindful about what you deposit inside the disposal. For example, don’t place large chunks of debris inside the disposal just because it has blades that can cut that debris into tiny pieces. Instead, cut the debris into smaller pieces so that the garbage disposal doesn’t overwork.

Such consideration will reduce the wear and tear on your disposal. Defects will also be fewer, so you will have a reduced need to call Tureks Plumbing Services to fix a disposal malfunction.

Fix Defects Promptly

The second of the plumbing resolutions for the New Year entails taking prompt action as soon as a defect is detected in the plumbing system. You see, plumbing defects differ in intensity/seriousness. For example, a minor leak may develop at the kitchen faucet, or the main water pipe into your home may burst and start gushing water into your yard. These two leaks elicit different degrees of urgency among homeowners.

However, that minor leak that you delay to fix can result in additional problems. For example, the slow leak can inflate your monthly water bill. Secondly, the moist conditions created by the leak can promote the growth of mold and mildew (with their attendant health risks).

It is therefore wise for you to contact a plumber in Appleton, WI, each time you detect any defect in the plumbing system. The New Year will then have fewer plumbing emergencies if you act quickly each time a defect is noticed.

Conserve Water

You should also resolve to conserve water more in the New Year. This can be attained in several ways, such as upgrading to water-efficient toilets and showerheads. In fact, even fixing defects promptly can help you to conserve water since the wastage resulting from plumbing defects will be avoided.

Consult a Fox Valley plumber in case you want to implement more comprehensive changes in your home in order to make the plumbing system more efficient. The professional will inspect your home and suggest the most cost-effective ways to conserve water in your home.

Give Your Water Heater More Attention

The water heater in your home is an important appliance from a comfort point of view and from the aspect of energy-efficiency. For example, a sudden malfunction can deny your family members hot water to take a shower in the middle of winter. Such an inconvenience can be hard to bypass during such weather.

It is therefore vital that you resolve to give your water heater more attention this coming year (and beyond) so that it can continue to give you the reliable service that you have come to expect. Check the anode frequently and replace it when it is eroded. Flush the tank regularly so that sediment doesn’t accumulate and spring a leak. You can also ask a Fox Valley plumber to check that water heater so that the defects you weren’t aware of as a layperson are fixed before they worsen and compromise the functioning of the appliance.

Keep Pipes Warm

Your plumbing resolutions for the New Year may not be complete if you haven’t thought about how to winterize the plumbing system. Make a conscious decision to keep the water pipes warm during the cold months of the year so that you can forestall those pipes from bursting after freezing.

It is especially important to keep the pipes outdoors and those where no air conditioning exists (attic and basement, for example) warm by wrapping them in insulation. This insulation is affordable and can be bought in rolls at plumbing or hardware stores. Ask one of our experts at Tureks Plumbing Services for recommendations in case you aren’t sure of which particular product to buy and use.

Have Regular Inspections Done

Resolve to start being more proactive rather than reactive when it comes to addressing plumbing system issues. Don’t wait for a problem to occur before you pay some attention to the plumbing system. Instead, ask an experienced plumber in Appleton, WI, to inspect the entire system at least once each year so that defects can be caught early. Such proactive measures will reduce your expenditure on plumbing repairs, and the system will break down less frequently.

Tureks Plumbing Services is available round the clock throughout the year. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help in implementing any of the plumbing resolutions for the New Year covered in the discussion above. We shall do everything possible to keep your plumbing system working without a hitch.

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How to Keep Mold From Coming Back

Thursday, November 29th, 2018

how to keep mold from coming back

How to Keep Mold From Coming Back

It doesn’t matter where you live, mold will follow you anywhere that accumulates moisture. Your bathroom, for instance, is a perfect environment for mold to grow. After you take a bath or shower, water is left on the walls and tile. You may try cleaning it up, but it keeps on coming back. So what should you do? Well, mold can cause major damage to your walls, ceilings, floors, countertops, etc., which can leave you no other choice but to remodel. Regardless of where it is, it’s neither safe or healthy. It’s important to get rid of mold as soon as you notice it. In this article, plumbing experts at Tureks Plumbing Services explain how to get rid of the mold in your home for good.

What is Mold?

When battling mold in your home, it’s important to have a basic understanding of what it really is. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is a type of fungi that can be found indoors and outdoors. Fungi are known for being able to survive very harsh surroundings, which is why it is a common household problem. Once the species has found an optimal environment, such as water damage from leaky pipes, it will multiply and continue to grow. Many people have mold allergies and will experience asthma symptoms. To keep you and your family safe from developing respiratory illnesses, it is important to eliminate the moisture in that environment so the fungi can no longer survive.

How to Prevent Mold From Growing in Your Home

Since we know exactly what mold is and what it’s capable of doing, there are a few simple tips you can follow to keep it from spreading throughout your home. Since mold can be commonly found in bathrooms, it’s easiest if you start in there. Try the suggestions below to prevent mold in your bathroom and other areas in your home.

Use a Ventilation Fan or Buy a Fan

Where there’s moisture, there’s mold. The best way to eliminate moisture is to make the area dry again. Many bathrooms have ventilation fans that vent to the outside to help get rid of the accessive moisture. If you don’t have a ventilation fan you can always purchase a regular fan to dry the space. Run your fan for at least a half an hour after your shower.

Squeegee Please

We’ve all gone without squeegeeing our shower or bath. We get it, it’s a boring and annoying task but if you take a few minutes to do it, you will reduce the moisture in the bathroom by ¾. It’s definitely worth it!

Fix The Leaks

Leaks cause moisture to accumulate and over time mold will grow. If you want your house to be mold-free, you need to fix the leaks right away. Contact your local plumber in Appleton, WI and they will gladly fix your leaks and any other plumbing problems you may have.

Keep Your Bathroom Clean and Dry

A clean bathroom makes it harder for mold to survive. If you clean your bathroom and wash used towels and rugs weekly, your bathroom will stay nice and clean – fungi hate that. The cleaner the better! While you’re cleaning your bathroom. Remove loofahs, sponges and other products from the shower so they can dry.

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What Is That Loud Noise After I Flush?

Monday, July 16th, 2018

What Is That Loud Noise After I Flush?

As you flush your toilet, you are caught unawares by the unusually loud sound you hear.

Do you have a small animal trapped somewhere in the bathroom? Is there some structural damage within the walls of the bathroom? Surprised, you flush the toilet again, confirming that the loud sound did indeed come from inside the bathroom. 

“What is that loud noise after I flush?” you ask yourself. The simple answer: A water hammer.

A Water Hammer

A water hammer occurs when water traveling at a fast speed suddenly stops. In this case, the closing of the toilet valve causes the water to stop its movement and crash against the valve. In turn, this causes the pipes to vibrate against your bathroom walls.

Imagine the water inside your toilet pipes as a long line of cars traveling a highway. And then one of the cars makes an abrupt stop without giving the other trailing cars an opportunity to swerve or put on the brakes at a comfortable distance. The result of that is a massive pile-up.

That, in essence, is what happens when a water hammer occurs.

But why do water hammers occur in the first place?

Water hammers are more likely to happen in homes that were built in the sixties. The pipes used in the toilets of these homes are equipped with a T-shaped fitting designed to create an air chamber. The purpose of this air chamber is to act as a shock absorber, preventing water hammers from occurring.

However, this air chamber can be filled with water, rendering it useless in performing the task it was designed for. Fixing this problem is as simple as turning off the main water valve and then draining off the water from all the pipes in your home.

But, if your home was built after the sixties, you shouldn’t hear water hammers in your homes. This is because of the different developments made during these subsequent years to prevent this problem. If your home was built after the sixties and you hear water hammers every time you flush your toilet, it is best to call in a professional plumber to determine the underlying cause. Left unchecked, water hammers can lead to bigger problems which may be more difficult and more costly to fix. Such problems include water leaks in the walls of your home. 

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Pros and Cons for Alternative Waste Line Piping

Monday, July 9th, 2018

Pros and Cons for Alternative Waste Line Piping

There was once a time when ceramic, metal and concrete were the only materials used for plumbing.

Today, most pipe metals like galvanized steel and copper. But while metal plumbing is long-lasting, it requires strenuous installation work. Moreover, metal pipes must be welded or threaded, and tubing will require the installation of fittings.

Tureks Plumbing shares some pros and cons for alternative waste line piping materials used by professional plumbing contractors today.

1. Plastic

The use of plastic plumbing pipes was introduced in the 1930s. It gives professional plumbers an option that is easier to install and that prevents the common plumbing problems with metal pipes.


Corrosion-resistant – Plastic pipes are not easily corroded by common household chemicals or water. It can be adjusted to meet residential plumbing needs, including drainage and water supply.

Easier installation – Since plastic pipes are light, plumbing jobs using these pipes are easier to install and even cost less than those involving metal pipes.

Low heat conductivity – Plastic does not conduct heat, so it can maintain the temperature of the water it carries.


Sensitivity to sunlight – Plastic pipes will become brittle if they are exposed to the UV rays of the sun.

Low melting point – Since plastic burns or melts at lower temperatures, it presents an added danger in case of a house fire.

2. Pipe

Galvanized pipe is a steel or iron pipe that has been plated using a corrosion-resistant zinc surface. Pipes are connected using threaded fittings. Also, they are sealed with pipe dope or thread tape.


Rust-resistant and durable

It can last for up to 50 years


Heavy – Since these pipes are made of steel or iron, these are heavy to handle.

Highly susceptible to blockages – As pipes begin to deteriorate, they become prone to blockages.

3. Cast Iron

Gone are the days when cast iron piping was connected using melted lead. Today, the material is connected with plastic or rubber fittings.


Long-lasting – In some applications, the use of cast iron piping can exceed 50 years.

Quiet – These pipes can reduce, if not eliminate, the usual sounds of running water as it passes through.


Heavy – Since it is made of iron, it is too heavy, so transporting and working with it can be difficult.

Hard – These pipes are challenging to cut. It usually requires special tools like a metal cutting saw or snap-wrench.

Repairing or installing your plumbing system will depend on the specifications and design of your original plumbing. But it is always best to consult a trustworthy plumbing contractor like Tureks Plumbing before commencing with any plumbing project or to hire them to get the whole job done.

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Types Of Plumbing Pipes And Their Uses

Wednesday, June 6th, 2018

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][mk_padding_divider][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1528316005240{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]Although you may not be a plumber by trade or plumbing aficionado, knowing the different types of plumbing pipes and their uses can help you decide which kind to get when you need to replace your old or damaged pipes. In case you’re still having your home built, having knowledge of the most popular types of pipes, their advantages and disadvantages will enable you to have a plumbing system that will work and last for a long time.

Below are the most commonly used types of plumbing pipes, their purposes and advantages:

PVC or Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe

PVC plumbing pipes are used for drain, vent, and waste lines, cold and hot potable waterlines, and for sewage applications. Their thickness and configurations vary depending on the application where it will be used. PVC pipes are light and easy to work with and install.

Rigid Copper Pipe

Copper pipes are the most traditional and popularly used plumbing pipes since they are durable, long-lasting, and corrosion-resistant. They are also the best water supply pipe option since they do not carry certain health risks that PVC pipes have. They work well with both hot and cold water.

Copper plumbing pipes, however, have to be soldered together and may require some additional fittings. As such, you or your contractor have to be good at soldering if you want to use this type of material.

PEX or Cross-linked Polyethylene Piping

PEX pipes are flexible, color-coded plastic pipes that are easy to cut and simple to connect. They are now one of the most popular plumbing pipe options used for residences and small business establishments or buildings since they require little maintenance. They are one of the strongest and most durable materials today and can thus remain leak-free for a long period of time.

Stainless Steel Pipes

Stainless steel pipes are typically used in areas subject to corrosion and near coastal areas. It is one of the most durable types of plumbing pipe materials. This type of pipe is available in both flexible and rigid varieties. If they will be attached to other types of pipes, special couplings will be needed.

Cast Iron Plumbing Pipes

Cast iron plumbing pipes are generally manufactured as bell and spigot types. Most cast iron plumbing pipes come with threaded joints but they are more expensive than the bell and spigot ones.

Cast iron pipes are heavier than any other pipes and as such, are best used for underground water distribution system. You will often see them as the main pipe on drainage or sewer systems.

Expert Fox Valley plumbers can also help you choose which type of pipe is best for your home construction or renovation project. Seasoned plumbers, such as those from Turek’s Plumbing, can have trucks stocked with all a huge variation of plumbing pipes. If you decide the job is better suited for a Fox Valley Plumber, give us a call. We have solutions that will meet your requirements, budget, and particular project.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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